Taa-Qweema Jenkins: "You're listening to 'Good Mornin' Ghetto,' the Ghetto Science Team's morning drive-time radio show for the financially challenged. My guests are Chief Crazy Brotha—Ghetto Native American, civil rights activist and senior stock clerk at JoJo's Discount Dollar Store—and Ernest 'Monday Night Football Head' Walker, of the Pork-n-Piggly Supermarket. Today's topic: What are the poor and oppressed thankful for?"
Chief Crazy Brotha: "I'd like to thank the pilgrims for coming to this land and befriending my ancestors. My great grandfather, 'Chief Crazy Brotha,' and the 'Ghetto Native American Nation' welcomed the pilgrims and showed them how to survive in the land they called 'America.' Just when the pilgrims thought everything was cool, the trusted friendship between the Ghetto Native Americans and the pilgrims evolved into a series of fights, real estate scams, germ warfare, induced alcoholism, land eviction and forced relocation to the corners of the North American continent. A turbulent past relationship has evolved into a peculiar relationship resulting in casinos, hotels, resorts and a scheduled performance of my one-man Thanksgiving play titled 'Weepin' and Wailin' with Plenty of Towels on the Trail of Tears: A 400-year retrospective on Indian Removal.'"
Taa-Qweema Jenkins: "Ooookay, I guess the poor and oppressed are thankful for being exploited."
Ernest Walker: "Performances of Chief Crazy Brotha's play take place at Pork-n-Piggly's chitterling and produce aisle. Join us as we usher in chitterling season! Showtime is Thanksgiving eve at 2 p.m. Be there or be out of chitterlings!"
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