[AP] Sen. Trent Lott of Mississippi, the Senate's No. 2 Republican, plans to resign his seat before the end of the year, congressional and Bush administration officials said Monday. Lott, 66, scheduled two news conferences in Pascagoula and Jackson later in the day to reveal his plans. According to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity ahead of the announcement, Lott intends to resign effective at the end of the year.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?What a story to wake up to! And why two press conferences? Oh well. I'm interested in knowing who will replace him to serve out the rest of his term.
- golden eagle
- Nov 26 2007
Don't we have a Lt. Governor who will be out of a job in January? Normally it would seem like a logical choice for Barbour to appoint Amy Tuck to serve until a special election can be held in March, but since they bumped heads on the grocery tax I don't know what their relationship is these days. I've heard Roger Wicker being tossed around as a potential pick.
- Jeff Lucas
- Nov 26 2007
Glad he's leaving. Hopefully we'll get someone who's 1) Read the Constitution, and 2) ready to actually secure the USA.
- LawClerk
- Nov 26 2007
Amy Tuck was one of the first people I had in mind, but she is accepting a new job as the special assistant to the president at MSU. I also a member of the state's congressional delegation in mind as well.
- golden eagle
- Nov 26 2007
My guess is Chip Pickering. He's long been Lott's boy. And he might be OK if he didn't continually toe the line of the national GOP. It's about time he learned to think independently and stop being a do-boy.
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 26 2007
Interesting. I wonder why...
- LatashaWillis
- Nov 26 2007
Don't want either Tuck or Pickering. We need NEW blood. Not these re-hashed politicians. They are all one in the same!
- LawClerk
- Nov 26 2007
LW- "Interesting. I wonder why..." IMHO, there is not a snowballs chance in hell that he would've been re-elected after his pro-amnesty vote. There is just no way. So, he's taking the cowards way out. Say something about "pursuing other avenues," "personal reasons," or what not. Then, force MS to incur the costs of a special election.
- LawClerk
- Nov 26 2007
What pro-amnesty vote? Do you mean the immigration reform bill that didn't go through?
- LatashaWillis
- Nov 26 2007
"What pro-amnesty vote?" The one that Cochran (rightly so) voted against. "Do you mean the immigration reform bill that didn't go through?" Yes.
- LawClerk
- Nov 26 2007
L.W., I heard on MSNBC this morning that he is resigning because of stricter lobby restrictions. The word is he’s going into business as a Washington lobbyist and doesn’t want to be affected by the new lobbying laws that will hit in 2008, especially the 2-year cooling off restriction that bars members from lobbying their colleagues for two years. Plus I'm sure he's caught a lot of heat for his immigration positions and he's support of the reform bill that died this summer.
- Jeff Lucas
- Nov 26 2007
My guess is Chip Pickering. He's long been Lott's boy. I didn't see Chip running this soon after quitting the House supposedly because he wants to be "closer to home". But the timing is somewhat suspect and certainly works in Chip's favor. On the Democrat side, I can easily see Mike Moore positioning himself to run for the seat. I think he's always had running in mind but was waiting out Lott's retirement.
- Jeff Lucas
- Nov 26 2007
WAPT says Lott will do a press conference at 11:00 in Pascagoula and another one in Jackson at 3:00. The latter may be at the Edison Walthall, but I don't know for sure.
- LatashaWillis
- Nov 26 2007
I heard this several days ago and thought it to be rumor. Pickering would be my guess. He, too, wanted to spend more time with family when he resigned his post: Similar to Ben Allen resigning because he was too stressed out, but, accepted a position that is even more demanding and requires more time with hands on. I'm trying to find the article in the Washington Post with Lott being pictured with the Senator from Alaska who was being indited for all kinds of terrible things. Lott claims that he wants to be a Lobbist. Can you imagine the manority whip of a party stepping down to lobby. Stranger things have happened I guess.
- justjess
- Nov 26 2007
Say something about "pursuing other avenues," "personal reasons," or what not. Then, force MS to incur the costs of a special election. Well, he just said he's stepping down to spend more time with his family.
- LatashaWillis
- Nov 26 2007
He just said he would have retires sooner, but he waited because of Hurricane Katrina.
- LatashaWillis
- Nov 26 2007
"retired" sooner
- LatashaWillis
- Nov 26 2007
Well I didn't always agree with how Lott voted on things but I do know whenever I sent a letter to him regarding some concern I had his staff was top notch in sending a courteous detailed reply. I give him and his staff kudos for that. I think the lobbying thing maybe goes along with the fact that he lost alot after Katrina and he wants a bit of a retirement nest egg, nothing wrong with that really. And I beg to differ with Lawclerk, immigration doesn't seem to me to be the biggest issue on the voters minds in this state and while sure it would have affected him, I doubt it would be of much consequence in the overall scheme of things.
- GLewis
- Nov 26 2007
...also says he's in good health.
- LatashaWillis
- Nov 26 2007
Hey guys and gals Wake Up! It's going to be Haley Barbour. You do know, of course, that Mr. Barbour has presidential aspirations? Remember how Dick Chaney got his job. He was selected to head up the committee to find Bush a VP running mate..and he selected himself! Barbour resigns, Bryant assums Governorship and and Bryant appoints Haley Senator.
- FrankMickens
- Nov 26 2007
It's going to be Haley Barbour. I don't think so. Then there would have to be a new state-wide election for Lt. Governor, which is actually the most important position in State government. Haley only got what he wanted because the Senate was under his control through Lt. Gov. Tuck. The R's can't take a chance that a Dem might win back the Lt. Gov's office. On the Democrat side, I can easily see Mike Moore positioning himself to run for the seat. I think he's always had running in mind but was waiting out Lott's retirement. I hope this is right. Mike Moore would have a real chance to win and he would do a great job. He spoke at Millsaps a week or so ago and sang right out of my hymnbook: fighting for the working people of the state.
- GenShermansGhost
- Nov 26 2007
WAPT confirmed that the Jackson press conference will be at the Edison Walthall. Will someone with the JFP be there?
- LatashaWillis
- Nov 26 2007
Well, he just said he's stepping down to spend more time with his family. Standard answer #26 in the Public Relations and Political B.S. Handbook. He just said he would have retires sooner, but he waited because of Hurricane Katrina. Another coded answer. Trent could read the writing on the wall and in the angry correspondence he received after he jumped sides on the illegal immigration/amnesty bill. He lost the support of a lot of Mississippians and figured now is a good time to get out and make some megabucks before the new lobbying laws take effect. After all, $200k a year just doesn't go as far as it used to (smile).
- Jeff Lucas
- Nov 26 2007
We plan to be. It's up against the city budget meeting, so Adam can't do both. Maggie will probably go.
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 26 2007
Trent is not a wealthy man. Much of his wealth was tied up in his home, which was destroyed. He really was going to retire before Katrina, but felt a need to finish one last public service. Like him or dislike him, he went back to DC because of Katrina. And he would not have lost (over amnsety or anything else) in 2012 if he had chosen to run. Mississippians, for good and bad, don't turn out Senators very easily. It would take a dead girl-live boy or payola scandal to defeat either of the current Senators.
- Droite
- Nov 26 2007
It is a classic put-up job. Trent considers "retiring" in 06, but runs anyway as he can easily win with little expenditure of GOP cash. He resigns just in time for Barbour to appoint someone to serve a little under a year before the 2008 election (with less than a full year their record will not be fully availible to the public.) And presto!! A hand-picked GOP incumbant to run against in 2008. Sleazy. It will be Chip Pickering.
- Willezurmacht
- Nov 26 2007
I agree with Droite, even though everyone who knows me is aware that I'm not particularly fond of Trent. And it will be Chip Pickering if he wants it (I'm wondering if this is why he's retiring). I doubt seriously that Trent just made up his mind this weekend. Still wondering about those Chancellor rumors that have been roiling around for months. He did not answer that question at his press conference (and he was asked, he just avoided a direct answer with a joke). He did say he was thinking of teaching. Lott Leadership at Ole Miss? As a springboard? Guess we'll all just have to wait and see. I can see him as a lobbyist, because he's always been an across-the-aisles negotiator and has plenty of people in both parties with whom he is on good terms. He mentioned that consulting is not covered by the new lobbying laws, though, so that might be his direction. Looks like he's going to play it for all it's worth til all the drama is sucked out of it. :-)
- C.W.
- Nov 26 2007
Regardless of who's appointed, I'm going to run against them. I'm sick and tired of the same ol' same ol.'
- LawClerk
- Nov 26 2007
We can definitely agree on that one, LawClerk. Every leading candidate in this state seems so irrelevant to today's Mississippi. And so many of them, like Lott, got their power the old-fashioned way (playing the race card) that it's now hard to backtrack from that. I'd hate to be them and to have to sleep at night. Pickering ought to declare his independence from these old farts and lead the new progressive GOP that's going to replace the state Democrats if they don't wake the hell up. The irony is that all the Repubs would have to do is return to their roots, in a sense, and pretend this 40 years of playing ugly race politics was just a bad nightmare. They'll need real leaders to do that, of course. After a conversation I had with Chip one night about my hometown, I suspect he could be one of those leaders should he decide to be.
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 26 2007
(But he won't. He owes the machine too much.)
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 26 2007
And I should add that I don't think Jim Hood is irrelevant and not Bennie Thompson, although neither is without fault. And Billy McCoy rather rocks with his small-town, take-no-prisoners populism. The Republican aisle is filled with disappointment and lapdogs to Barbour; the funny thing is that Lott is probably the only one who has shown a hint of independence. But his soul is so sold for power that no one believes him. And now that power must not feel quite the same in post-Delay/Barbour Washington. I will also admit that I have some hope that Phil Bryant and Mike Chaney might end up being OK. There's something I always liked about Bryant on some level, but none of it was apparent during the campaign. Let's hold he did a reverse-strategy thing and will get there and be pretty decent. Maybe that's wishful thinking, but without hope, we might as well take it to the house. And they should make Yvonne Brown into a party leader.
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 26 2007
And they should make Yvonne Brown into a party leader. I seriously considered voting for her. She had me until Iraq and abortion.
- golden eagle
- Nov 26 2007
Think there is any link to Larry Flynt's claims of evidence of a senator's pecadillos?
- Pilgrim
- Nov 26 2007
Go take a look at Perez Hilton's site lol. I don't think I believe it but its there. The site Perez links to is down but if you go into the comment section there is a link to the site that "outs" Lott. http://www.towleroad.com/2007/11/is-a-male-escor.html I don't think this has anything to do with Lott's resignation and the veracity of the site is questionable.
- GLewis
- Nov 26 2007
It is interesting to watch Trent Lott's own caveman power games, coupled with streaks of independence that angered conservatives, eat him alive. The partisan blogosphere, left and right hates the guy: By his own account, Trent Lott was the "first pelt" of the blogosphere. Although Lott's political career was revived somewhat last year with his elevation to Senate minority whip, the Mississippi Republican has been a bit player on the Washington scene since bloggers helped force him from the Senate majority leader's post five years ago next month. With that in mind, you can expect a lot of celebration today if, as expected, Lott announces that he will be resigning from the Senate at the end of the year. The good-riddance blogging already has begun, in fact. And they're celebrating at Ms. Malkin's right-wing hut—after quoting from a local wingnut site that we really wish wouldn't embarass fellow Mississippi bloggers by referring to Web "strings." Shudder. But it's not like it's the worst they can come up with.
- DonnaLadd
- Nov 26 2007
Many have been speculating on the Ole Miss boards that it's to take over as chancellor when Khayat leaves. Possible, but doubtful. The Senate’s rules governing Senators-turning-lobbyists change on Jan 1 2008; if Lott hadn’t announced his resignation today, he’d have to wait 2 years before picking up a lucrative lobbying gig. In the end, it always comes back to the money. [img]http://home.comcast.net/~tegaspard/images/smiles/winking.gif[/img]
- LambdaRisen
- Nov 26 2007
Lott got out to make some loot. he is one of the poorest Senators $ wise. Most of his assets were tied into the house that is no more. (granted he is still above 99 percent of his constituency but I digress.) He is going to lobby. The rules would prohibit him for 2 years if he waits until 2008 so he is out. Now the field Wicker is my guess. He would get appointed, the seat is GOP safe and he could make a state wide run. He HAS paid his dues to the republican party Pickering... Nope, came home to make some cash, and get some publicity. he will be making cash and touring the state to run for gov in 11 Tuck.. Nope, not appointed, Haley can't trust her to bow out and let others step in Halley, can;t quit until he is sworn in again, then.... WHO knows Other than Wicker what I can see barbour appoints herring senator to fill the term. Runs in the open seat (doesn't have to quit) And goes back to Washington. Granted screws up Haley's VP idea, so that is another factor. Lott really messed up Halley's plans with the timing. Earlier would have been ok for the Gov as would a resignation in a years time. Guess they really don't like each other as rumored. As for Dems..... Who knows.... there are rumors abound. God help us if Musgrove runs.
- AGamm627
- Nov 26 2007
I keep hearing Musgrove's name....
- msgrits
- Nov 26 2007
Wicker's already registered his site according to Will Bardwell.com. This is why I'm not in politics. Wicker registered the site before noon. I can't move that fast. :)
- msgrits
- Nov 27 2007
On the Democrat side, I can easily see Mike Moore positioning himself to run for the seat. I think he's always had running in mind but was waiting out Lott's retirement. I hope this is right. Mike Moore would have a real chance to win and he would do a great job. He spoke at Millsaps a week or so ago and sang right out of my hymnbook: fighting for the working people of the state. The buzz earlier this week was that Moore isn't planning to run. The CL confirmed it this morning. There is talk by some of Moore having skeletons that he doesn't want brought out by a Senate campaign, but I'm skeptical about that since it seems like with as many political enemies as he has it would have been revealed long before now.
- Jeff Lucas
- Dec 14 2007
C-L reporting this morning that the Guv is picking Roger Wicker to take Lott's seat. That's pretty much confirms what I'd heard back in November.
- Jeff Lucas
- Dec 31 2007
In his acceptance speech, Wicker felt honored that he's following in the footsteps of senators before him, like James Eastland, John Stennis and L.Q.C. Lamar. Not exactly the kind of footsteps I would like to be following.
- golden eagle
- Dec 31 2007
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