Theater of the Beef-Plant Absurd | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Theater of the Beef-Plant Absurd

Can we just call the beef-plant debacle what it is: a foolish bipartisan embrace of a corporate-welfare scheme gone awry? Both Dems and Republicans pushed for it, and Barbour wrote a letter in support of it. It was stupid and wasteful. Let's stipulate that. All I want to hear is how all these yucks are going to keep such a thing from happening again, instead of a bunch of blame flowing every direction when it's obvious that people of both parties were snookered and hogtied.

Associated Press

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Yes, Ledger, the "Beef plant orphan has many dads," as we've been pointing out for a while now. But y'all left out one from your editorial–what about Haley Barbour, who wrote a letter in support of the beef-plant scam? Why do you boyz protect Haley so?


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