He Fired a 9mm and They Didn't Check His Background?!? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

He Fired a 9mm and They Didn't Check His Background?!?

What!?! Just because a man is a "homeowner" firing at apparent "thugs" with his semiautomatic, the JPD doesn't check his background? Good Lord. There goes another Clarion-Ledger front-page hero.

According to federal court documents, officers also found 215 ecstasy pills hidden inside a hollowed-out spray starch can and $14,000 cash inside Hamblin's home.
So far, Hamblin has been charged with illegal gun possession. Jackson police did not charge Hamblin in connection with the shooting, saying he was protecting his property. Jackson Police Cmdr. Ron Sampson said officers didn't check Hamblin's background because he cooperated with police, so they had no reason to check on him.

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