Cocktails That Make You Go ‘Boo!' | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Cocktails That Make You Go ‘Boo!'

To scare up a formidable Black Cat, pour 1 ounce vodka and 1 ounce cherry brandy into a highball glass over ice. Fill with equal parts Coke and cranberry juice.

If you want the whole crowd snookered, serve a vat of Devil's Punch in your grandmama's punchbowl. Just multiply this recipe about 20 times over, and your bowl will runneth over. For one Devil's Punch, pour two parts tequila, one part each orange liqueur, lemon liqueur, sour mix and 1/4 part orange juice into a cocktail shaker over ice. Shake and strain into a sour or highball glass.

A Black Martini is a sweet, rich, sexy version of the James Bond elixir. Pour 3-1/2 ounces of vodka or gin and 1/2 ounce of blackberry brandy into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well, then strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a big, scary black olive toothpicked to a smaller green olive.

Bloody Mary: No, it's not named for a butcherous chick dictator—damn—but the famous hair-of-the-dog named for a Chicago barmaid is bloody delicious just the same. And there is every reason to drink the old girl at night, too. Mix equal parts vodka and tomato juice; mix in black and cayenne pepper, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice and lots of Tabasco to taste in a cocktail shaker. Then strain and pour over crushed ice and stick a big mean celery stick in it. Serve with anger.

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