The Cottonmouth Blog is taking Sid Salter to task for his bizarre and rather desperate attempts to defend Haley Barbour and his blind trust, especially about a snipe Salter took at Jamie Franks for trying to strengthen ethics laws (for political reasons)—that Cottonmouth says just doesn't check out:
The only Ethics Commission Bill that saw life during the 2007 session, besides the Commissions' appropriation bill, was House Bill 1532, which passed the House of Representatives (second base) and went to the Senate (third base) where the Honorable Charlie Ross killed it in his committee on February 27, 2007 (homerun depending on which team you're on). The authors of the bill were Representatives Bobby Moak, Chuck Espy and Omeria Scott. You did get the part right that it was trying to address the glaring statutory omission of election officials' blind trusts as income vehicles that deserve reporting to the public.
It's too bad that Franks didn't try to strengthen the ethics laws—it's hilarious to me that, somehow, Salter thinks that would be a bad thing. He is really twisting himself into logic pretzels to say that Barbour did nothing wrong because the Ethics Commission hasn't busted him for it—even though they seem to make an exception for him, and the ethics law is very weak here.
And I really love the folks who are saying that "he broke no laws" as a reason to say Barbour's living off his blind trust in a firm that is profiting on the Coast is not a problem. Uh, voter ID hasn't been "the law," either, and it hasn't stopped a lot of y'all from whining about it and demanding that it be changed. Clearly, we need to demand that the ethics law be strengthened just to deal with Barbour's high-level hubris and cronyism, if for no other reason.
And, and look at Salter's excuse o' the day today. LOL:
And make no mistake, this is a manufactured story.
Right. We're going to believe The Clarion-Ledger over Bloomberg. Uh-huh. Yep. Got it.
Roll again.
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