A Giuliani-Barbour Ticket: Just Imagine | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

A Giuliani-Barbour Ticket: Just Imagine

I just ran into this post on the Think Progress blog that is basically saying what I was earlier about all the revelations about his "blind trust" and his Katrina finagling hurting Barbour's chances at a veep nod. (And a hat tip to Think Progress for finding and linking my "Unholy Alliance" story about Barbour to the line-up of potential "corruption" stories.) I wrote earlier today about how Haley is becoming more poison by the day on the national scene:

Being that his name has been rather bandied about in silly fashion as vice presidential material, we can sit here with a front-row seat and watch that farfetched idea go up in flames. As if his radical-right views aren't anathema enough, especially in a time when the GOP is courting someone as lefty as Rudy, Republicans around the country don't want someone on the ticket who was willing to allow his relatives and business associates to benefit off our nation's biggest natural disaster in recent history. Even if some individual Republicans don't give a damn, they know it's bad politics, and they have enough problems on their hands without throwing something like this onto the pile.

So even if Mississippians are coddled into thinking Barbour's money games don't matter, the rest of the country will pay attention. And should.

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Oh, and do you think they ran that photo of Barbour and Bush on purpose—being that the Star & Bars is peeking from behind. Nothing good comes from that damn flag. Never has. Remember Barbour attacking Musgrove for "attacking our flag"? Icky. Gross.


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