Amid rumors that he is en route to Las Vegas for a music awards event, Jackson Mayor Frank Melton fell through on his pronouncement to deliver a new budget proposal this morningand didn't show up himself for city budget meetings. Melton told the council yesterday that he would procure a new budget himself overnight that did not include a tax increase, after enduring accusations from council members that his preferencessuch as cuts to JATRAN and the JRAwere not reflected in the current budget proposal.
"With the president's approval, I'll have this budget balanced in the morning. You're not going to like it, but I will balance it in the morning," Melton told council members yesterday.
Ward 7 Councilwoman Margaret Barrett-Simon asked if the mayor's new budget would invalidate the current budget before them, to which the mayor responded: "You can throw that one in the garbage can."
Hasty council members had to fish the budget back out of the can this morning, however, according to Administration Department Director Rick Hill.
"I do not have (the mayor's budget proposal) to present to you this morning," said Hill. "I did meet with (Melton) yesterday. He gave me some ideas Ŕ
"But as far as the mayor's proposal, you don't have anything to present right now?" asked Budget Committee Chairman Marshand Crisler.
"No, sir. The bottom line is, I really don't have anything," Hill said.
Neither the new budget, nor the mayor made an appearance in the council chambers that morning, with Chief Administration Officer Robert Walker telling the council that the mayor would not be present, but he would not say where the mayor was today.
As discussed yesterday on the Kim Wade Show on WJNT, rumor has it that the mayor and his bodyguards could be en route today to Las Vegas to attend the BMI Urban Awards. Neither Melton nor his bodyguards are registered at the New York New York hotel where the awards are being held. However, a Michael Recio party is scheduled to arrive to the nearby Bellagio hotel today, the front desk said. However, the reservation says Recio is from Brownsville, Texas.
Melton was not registered at other nearby hotels called by the Jackson Free Press.
A BMI spokeswoman said today that she does not know if Melton, a BMI board member, is planning to attend and could not reveal the information if he does.
Back in Jackson, council was hardly fazed by Melton's unkept promise, having continued sessions on the current budget minutes after Melton disavowed it yesterday.
"We will move on then," Crisler said.
The council must come to terms with a $3.4 million budget shortfall by the end of the month.
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