Did Melton and Bluntson ‘Sponsor' Fairview Boys Camp ... or Not? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Did Melton and Bluntson ‘Sponsor' Fairview Boys Camp ... or Not?

Boys II Kings Summer Camp Aims to Uplift

This morning, I Google-Newsed Frank Melton to see if anything new had happened while I was in Florida. An WLBT story summary popped up. Here it is verbatim:

WLBT-TV, MS - Aug 1, 2008
... men's self-worth and self-confidence. The Fairview Community Boys Institute, Mayor Frank Melton, Councilman Frank Bluntson and other sponsored the camp.

But when you click to the actual post, it looks like Melton and Bluntson's names were deleted, and there is no "correction" explaining the change:

The Greater Fairview Community Development Corporation sponsored the camp.

So, why did WLBT throw their names down the memory hole after the original post? Anyone know about Melton and Bluntson's involvement with the Fairview camp?

And a more rhetorical question: Considering that Frank Melton is under federal indictment accused of ordering minors to destroy a private home, why in God's name would a local church allow him to be involved with young men?!?

If they did, of course. We'll see what we can find out, but anyone with information, please be in touch.

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