LoungeList: March on Capitol 12.04.08 Photos (by Kip Caven) | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

LoungeList: March on Capitol 12.04.08 Photos (by Kip Caven)

LoungeList photographer Kip Caven was downtown with M.I.R.A. and others marching in support of immigrants and against recent corporate raids and similar government policies. Here are the photos:

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I don't know where to put this. However, OJ Simpson is getting sentenced today. If OJ gets sent to prison for any period over a year's time, we Blacks are going to have a nationwide boycott and burning. Yes, I said it. I ain't coming to work no more and I'm burning some stuff down. People should start worrying because I'm not dumbly burning my own house and neighborhood down. I'm butning some other folks' stuff to protest the wrongness of his incarceration. Why should you go to jail for trying to take back your own sh!t? Again I say if i's OJ's sh!t, you must acquit; otherwise, you're wrong.


Oj got 15 years with the judge calling him arrogant and ignorant. I'm getting a march together to do something about this injustice.


I meant to say he got at least 15 years but could do as many as 33 years. WTF.!?:;", This reminds me of miss-sippi justice. What about his women and children? I doubt any of us can help with his children but we'll see what we can do about his women. With this many years likely to serve, marching won't be enough. I'm getting a possee together to riot, loot and burn this baby down. Either y'all are with me or against me. See y'all in the streets. Come one, come all. How is running up in a hotel and saying nobody leaves justified by 15 to 33 years. That judge is hating on a player no matter her proclamations to the contrary. She probably wanted OJ at some point when he was rolling at the top of his game and running through airports and stuff like that.


I called off the march, burn down and protest since I couldn't get anyone else interested in spending 2 minutes on OJ. Besides, the judge was likely kind to him considering she could have given him life but didn't. I don't know whether madam judge saw OJ as he entered the courtroom, but based on the I-Still-Got-It-Going-On smile and nod he flashed as he entered, I wonder if his stupid butt had finally figured out what time it was. Believe me it wasn't the time and place for any prior-like OJ crap. His plea colloquy or appeal to the judge was decent acting in terms of voice and gestures, but was incongruous or dissonant to the way he entered the courtroom. He should have been on the floor crying rivers and confessing Ron, Nicole, Dr. King, the Pope and Jesus Christ. I await his book entitled, How To ____ Up Your Life, after having it all. He was the Negro nearly all white liked before Barack Obama (before he ran for president), Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Opra, et al. I guess being OJ is some powerful drugs. I guess he figured if OJ can beat a couple of murders, surely he can surely beat a few robberies. Go OJ!


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