URGENT: Good Samaritan Center Needs Help NOW | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

URGENT: Good Samaritan Center Needs Help NOW

Please read and do whatever you can do, folks:

[Verbatim] Dear Friends, The economy is hurting donations and Good Samaritan Center is challenged right now. In addition, Christmas is almost here and our social service staff has been busier than usual taking applications for holiday assistance from disadvantaged families; many of these families never asking for assistance before. While we received a number of donations and requests to adopt children before Thanksgiving, donations and adoptions have both come to a screeching halt. Our need far outweighs what we have been able to do so far. We still have many, many children (hundreds) needing Christmas presents and our pantry has less than a weeks worth of food. We are desperate and we need you.

How can you help? Be a part of something SPECIAL!
Adopt a child,
Adopt a family,
Bring some canned goods or maybe a ham by,
Donate monetarily and we will do the shopping!

We have hundreds and hundreds of gifts to buy and lots of food to purchase in order to provide holiday food baskets, and I know that times are tough but if there is anything you can do, please contact me.

God Bless, Kathy

P.S. Feel free to spread this message and remember-All Donations are Tax Deductible!

Kathy Clem
Executive Director
The Good Samaritan Center, Inc.
Jackson, MS 39202


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