A few weeks ago, I embarked on a daring experiment. After reading about the damage that standard-issue hair products can do to your hair, I decided to go without 'poo.
I lasted about a week on a ritual of only rinsing my hair out with water in the shower every morning. It looked softer and silkier each day, and it even smelled nice and clean. That is, until day seven, when something went out of control, and I was suddenly transformed into a human grease-ball. So maybe going no-poo is not the solution for me, but I encourage you to give it a try if you dare!
Of course, quitting your hair care regimen cold turkey is not the only choice. There are many hair products you can make yourself.
-Baking soda and vinegar: Mix a few tablespoons baking soda with warm water to make a paste. Massage this into your hair in the shower. It feels a bit like rubbing sand into your head, but don't give up yet. Now rinse your hair with a sports bottle full of ¼ apple cider vinegar and ¾ water. It creates a gentle foaming sensation. If you can't stand the smell of vinegar, mix in a few drops of your favorite essential oils. The last step is to rinse everything out of your hair with water.
-Mayonnaise: Rub mayonnaise into already-shampooed hair like conditioner. Let sit for a few minutes and rinse. It is much more pleasant if you use room-temperature mayonnaise rather than a jar straight from the refrigerator. It makes for some seriously soft hair, if you can withstand the smell of mayonnaise early in the morning.
-Olive oil: Use a few drops of olive oil on dry hair as a defrizzer and split-end-protector.
-Castile soap: If the thought of raiding the kitchen for your hair care products is less than appealing, mix liquid castile soap with a few drops of essential oils or with a strong brew of your favorite tea.
How do you make your own personal care products?
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