The number of abortions in the United States dropped to 1.2 million in 2005, the lowest level since 1974 and down 25 percent from the all-time high of 1.6 million in 1990, according to report issued Thursday.
The Guttmacher Institute, which surveyed abortion providers nationwide, said there likely were several reasons for the decline, including more effective use of contraceptives, lower levels of unintended pregnancy and greater difficulty obtaining abortions in some parts of the country.
The institute's president, Sharon Camp, noted that despite the decline, more than one in five pregnancies ended in abortion in 2005.
"Our policymakers at the state and federal levels need to understand that behind virtually every abortion is an unintended pregnancy, so we must redouble our efforts towards prevention, through better access to contraception," Camp said.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?So are these reported abortions at clinics or do these numbers encompass or omit the OBGYNs that perform "procedures" in there offices for the more wealthy patients who can pay cash for "cosmetic" surgery. This is the tag they now hit it with; in the before Roe v Wade it was "discretionary work" or "slightly partial hystorectimy (I know I misspelled it)" I have a feeling the wealthy "procedures" are not included, since they never happened.... Until every Anti-abortion demonstrator takes home 1 crack baby, it should be a woman's choice. As for the religion argument, I will say, "it is a choice, it should not be made lightly, it should be made with much thought and spiritual advice from a trusted and wise advisor" That is what my priest told me when I asked him about it. (Episcopalian before anyone asks) I hope there is a time when NO child is ever conceived into this world without love and the intention to conceive a life and the ability to support and raise this child through all stages: both physically, emotionally, spiritually, and economically. Then abortion would not be needed. HOWEVER. I have not, nor ever can be, 13, raped by an uncle and pregnant, or any other situation that a child is not the answer. So until the above idea that every pregnancy can result in a placement of a child into a loving, stable, nurturing home, and can also skip the nine months of pregnancy on an unwilling mother, IT IS A WOMAN'S DECISION, not mine So back off the legislation signed, A MALE AGamma627
- AGamm627
- Jan 18 2008
Of course the "Right To Lifers" are taking credit for this appreciable decline. I was not a part of the research and have only a guess; however, I would put my money on the fact that with the fear of HIV/AIDS and other only treatable sexually transmitted diseases, more people have become more responsible.
- justjess
- Jan 18 2008
Agamma627, I think you are on point about the system of reporting. MS had one of the lowest abortion rates in the country back in the late 70s. This was secondary to the fact that women who were pregnant who desired abortion referrals to private MDs were not a part of the statistics: Only those women who were in the State's Health Department System were reported.
- justjess
- Jan 18 2008
If anyone has access to the study itself, send it to me and I will have one of my classes crunch these numbers. We can look for reporting bias.
- Willezurmacht
- Jan 18 2008
Liked your post, AGamm627.
- Izzy
- Jan 18 2008
Until every leftist takes in one crackhead, killing homeless people for sport should be legal. I don't have particularly strong feelings on this, but sheesh. Talk about begging the question.
- laughter
- Jan 19 2008
Until every leftist takes in one crackhead, killing homeless people for sport should be legal. Get the hell out, LTG. Nobody calls for killing homeless people on a property I own. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but it's no one I want to associate with. And I have particularly strong feelings on this. Sheesh.
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 19 2008
1.2 MILLION abortions. That is 1.2 MILLION lives. This is per YEAR?!?!?! We have lost almost 4,000 Servicemen and women in Iraq. We have slaughtered 1.2 MILLION children this year. You want to do something for the children? Protect them when they truly cannot protect themselves. I am constantly amazed by the hypocrisy of Pro-Abortionists. You are NOT a pro-choice person when you want to keep abortion legal. There is so much hypocrisy I almost can't even comprehend it. First, you are not repulsed at the thought of killing babies. That's what it is. Second, you most likely don't believe in the death penalty. So, you want babies to die, innocently, mind you. And then, you are ok with murderers not getting the death penalty? Who are you trying to protect? How on earth can you reconcile these beliefs?
- LawClerk
- Jan 20 2008
Pro-lifers want to save the babies and kill them when they become murderers as adults. How on earth can you reconcile these beliefs?
- golden eagle
- Jan 20 2008
Not too long ago I considered myself "pro-choice," and then a woman in one of my classes gave a presentation on abortion. At the end of her presentation she passed around an old brochure type flier that showed real pictures of abortion after it had been done.....dead babies in garbage cans, the remains of a fetus that had been sucked out of its' mothers womb, little fingers and feet and other body parts that once were alive mangled among flesh and blood, and I must admit it changed my opinion of a mothers right. I now believe every child is a blessing no matter how they may have been concieved, it is no one persons right to take the life of another period. There is no justification for ending another human beings life. And no, I have not ever taken a crack baby home with me or have even witnessed the pain and suffering they endure, but you know what, I believe every human being has a purpose on this earth no matter how big or small their purpose or contribution may be as we are all blessed by each other's presence.
- jan2006
- Jan 20 2008
Abortion is a touchy subject that I usually try to stay away from, but I read this article and wanted to know what you all thought. In a nutshell, a teacher at a Catholic school gets pregnant, and she is not married. She decides to let the principal know that she is pregnant, is going to have the baby, and is not getting married. A week later, she is fired for violating the tenets of Catholic morality. The NYCLU has stepped in because they said it is gender discrimination since this particular instance can only apply to women. Here are a couple of things the pregnant teacher said: "I don't understand how a religion that prides itself on forgiving and on valuing life could terminate me because I'm pregnant," she said sobbing, with her parents at her side... "If I decided to abort the baby, the decision to fire me would not have been made because they would not have known," McCusker said. On the other hand... A spokesman for the archdiocese of Brooklyn and Queens defended Saint Rose of Lima's rights to expect adherence to church doctrines. "This is a difficult situation for every person involved but the school had no choice but to follow the principles contained in the teachers' personnel handbook," said Frank DeRosa. If this were a man who got a woman pregnant that he wasn't married to, would they have done the same to him? My guess is that they wouldn't because they wouldn't have found out. I think they could have worked something out with this young lady instead of firing her. In the Lord's Prayer, we ask God to forgive us the same way we forgive others. If they treat her this way, how should God treat them when they make a mistake?
- LatashaWillis
- Jan 20 2008
I agree L.W. Forgiveness is what people leave out. It's not for us to judge others...we all make mistakes. I'm thinking somewhat ambivalent towards the firing of the Catholic teacher. I can somewhat understand why the prinicpal would be upset. I feel like the teacher being hired at a Catholic school and being aware of their morals, values, and principles, should have been more careful (esp. knowing what type of agency she works for). But on the other hand as an institution that teaches forgiveness how can they truly justify firing her. Will they say "As catholics we forgive her for what she has done, but must fire her so that she doesn't set a bad example for the students"??????? (Is that their logic) Interesting.
- jan2006
- Jan 20 2008
I think that if they thought she was setting a bad example, they could have just reassigned her. After all, she still needs prenatal care and may not have benefits now.
- LatashaWillis
- Jan 20 2008
I want this to be a world where every baby conceived has a home or even the hope of a home to love it. One of my close friends recently found out she was pregnant and was not in the position to raise a baby alone. That child is now adopted and loved by uber educated, (also liberal a bonus in my eyes) loving parents that were unable to have a child and due to their financial situation, are able for the medical professional (the mom) to take a year off to tend to her while the other professional works. Great ending. If every pregnancy had this ending, I would have more moral problems. However, this is rare. Crack babies don't get this treatment, or rarely do. Also, most women were not in the situation my friend was in, being able to take care of herself with healthcare, but knowing she couldn't raise a baby. Rabble rouse, chain yourselves to morality, whatever. I will ALWAYS be pro-choice as a political position. Again, I will never and can never be in the position many women are in, and as a result, I will never dictate what their choices are. For I wish their was no need for abortion, but I am in a position that while not wanting kids, my wife and I would happily raise them. It is about the choice of others that do not share my particular morality, my particular faith, or my particular station in life that shapes my beliefs. I despise people shoving their faith or beliefs unto me, be they radical Muslims, overbearing Christians that "know" the will of god, or agitated atheists that must "disprove to me any existence of God." As one of my priests told me when I asked him about abortion and my church's stance "my son, this is a difficult question, that a woman should make for herself, after much prayer, reflection, guidance and counseling from spiritual, mental and medical professionals. It is her relationship with God and her moral beliefs that matter, not yours nor any others" That is wise words from any man, (it was a man before anyone says something about gender), of God. AGamma627
- AGamm627
- Jan 20 2008
Golden said: "Pro-lifers want to save the babies and kill them when they become murderers as adults. How on earth can you reconcile these beliefs?" That is why I said I'm Anti-Abortion. Some are pro-life all around, both anti-abortion and anti-death penalty. I am only anti-abortion. Reconciliation is simple. Babies don't commit murder.
- LawClerk
- Jan 21 2008
I would like to add to this that while I find the above story of the teacher at the Catholic school really horrible (mainly due to a loss of benefits) I do have an understanding that when you take a job with the Catholic Church, you sign a "user agreement" (if you will) stating that you will uphold the tenets of the Catholic Church (even if you don't agree with them) for the duration of your employment. You are considered a "lay employee" of the church even if you work at Catholic schools or "other" (cough cough) Catholic organizations. Its also why my insurance benefits do NOT cover birth control (which might explain how she GOT pregnant). Those Catholics...they like to make other Catholics. :) I AM one... I get to say that.
- Lori G
- Jan 21 2008
As one of my priests told me when I asked him about abortion and my church's stance "my son, this is a difficult question, that a woman should make for herself, after much prayer, reflection, guidance and counseling from spiritual, mental and medical professionals. It is her relationship with God and her moral beliefs that matter, not yours nor any others" That is wise words from any man, (it was a man before anyone says something about gender), of God. Wow. I think that's pretty much how I feel. As for my body, I'm pro-life, but as for other women's bodies, it's hard for me to be judgmental because it depends on each individual's circumstances. What if a teen is forced by her parents to have an abortion? What if givng birth would kill the mother? I even heard of a case where a woman had to abort because the fetus did not have a brain. However, I am concerned about women who have had five or six abortions because they're using abortion as birth control. I'm afraid that doing that is going to do some kind of permanent damage to their bodies.
- LatashaWillis
- Jan 21 2008
I would like to add to this that while I find the above story of the teacher at the Catholic school really horrible (mainly due to a loss of benefits) I do have an understanding that when you take a job with the Catholic Church, you sign a "user agreement" (if you will) stating that you will uphold the tenets of the Catholic Church (even if you don't agree with them) for the duration of your employment. Yeah, I understand. I just hate to see her go without benefits. I wish they could just had her work somewhere else in the school, like an administrative position.
- LatashaWillis
- Jan 21 2008
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