Chickball Lineup:
6:00 Natalie Long
6: 35 Laurel Isbister
6:55 Spoken Word/Break: June Hardwick
7:10 The Red Hot Tamales
7:30 Spoken Word/Break: Renee Shakespeare
7:45 Rhonda Richmond
8:05 Awards
8:20 Lizz Strowd Band
8:40 Sandy Middleton from the Center for Domestic Violence/Break
8:55 Caroline Crawford
9:15 Spoken Word /Break: Peggy Harley
9:30 Infinite & Dred Bred
9:50 Spoken Word/Break: Sewl of Sistaz of Jackson
10:05 MissiHIPPY Dancers, Yard Boy DJ until Midnight
Thank you to all our wonderful sponsors:
DIVA- Caroline "Bond Girl" Hobbs
GODDESS- The Downtown Jackson Partners
QUEEN- The Jackson Progressives, The Capital City Roller Girls, Crossings Assembly of God, Vineyard Church of Jackson-B.A.D. Girls, Larry Davidson, Jim Craig, ACLU, Faye Peterson
CHICK/ROOSTER- Bodacious Broads, Chris Myers, Jackie Tatum, In honor of Collie Bullock, Pat Bullock, Tom Head, Kelly Smith, Lee Eaton, Joyce Dortch, Corrie and Jonathan Kiel, Mary Provine Briggs, Joshua and Judith Wiener, Fay Banks
CDs: Arinder Video Production, ASAP Printing, and Misha Hercules at Olympic Records
All Printing Done by Nick Clark and Office Partners
T-shirts: designed by Melissa Webster, donated by The Jackson Progressives and printed by Dub Designs
Thank you to all our silent auction donors:
2 Sisters Kitchen, A Man's Hands, Alecia Edney, Anne Perry, Basils and Kathy W., Butterfly Yoga, Carter Jewelers, Celebrity Trends Boutique, Christina Cannon, Classy Tips Salon, Coast Ink, Cool Al's, CUPS, Curves, Darion Gibson, David Watkins, DL Dykes, Jr. Foundation, Dr. Ronald and Belinda Mason, Erica Flannes, Eugenia Martin, Fondren Nails, Gail Ambeau, Glo Sanders, Gretchen Cook, Helene Tann, The Ink Spot, Jackie Tatum (A Basket Case), Joy McAllister Art, Kosmos Hair Designers, Lakeland Jewelry, Latasha Willis, Latitudes, Laurel Isbister, Lemuria, Lisa King, Loy Moncry, Loy Thomas, Mori Luggage, Mosaic, Nikki Allen: Steps 2 Health, O, Susanna, Pearl River Glass Studio, Robin Henderson, Rose Petals, Sabrina Camola, Sara Evans, Shannon Ingram, Shoe Bar at Pieces, Stacey Aldridge, Susan Cox Davis, Susan Marquez- Southern Living Home, Tangle, Treehouse
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