Is Shoe About to Fall on Trent Lott? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Is Shoe About to Fall on Trent Lott?

Well, the man state Republicans used to adore regardless of what he did may be about to fall even harder: The Associated Press reports that State Farm attorneys are alleging that Lott tried to pressure witnesses to give false testimony ... yes, perjury. It's becomes more clear why the Bush's Justice Department might have taken a bit longer to get to the Scruggs boyz case, but now that they're there, it sho is interesting:

An insurance company's attorney suggested during a sworn deposition that former U.S. Sen. Trent Lott urged witnesses to give false information in a Hurricane Katrina lawsuit, according to court records. The implication was made last week during a deposition with Lott's nephew, Zach Scruggs, who represented the former Mississippi Republican senator after his Pascagoula home was destroyed by the 2005 storm. Zach Scruggs is the son and law partner of disgraced former attorney Richard "Dickie" Scruggs, Lott's brother-in-law.

"Has it been your custom and habit in prosecuting litigation to have Senator Lott contact and encourage witnesses to give false information?" State Farm Fire & Casualty Cos. attorney Jim Robie asked, according to a transcript of the deposition.

"I invoke my Fifth Amendment rights in response to that question," Zach Scruggs responded.

What, Trent? Do something untoward?

Between the apparent woes of Ed Peters and these allegations against Trent Lott and Haley Barbour's increasing pardon/Medicaid/Coast-mess woes, what other Mississippi Republican sweethearts are going to be tarnished? It's interesting to watch the GOP yappers suddenly forget how they defended those guys, no matter what. Right on down the memory hole.

Previous Comments


I hope it not just a shoe but one of those instrument they use to smooth out pavement. He was the Senator Bilbo of later years and has hurt this state tremendously. While I don't wish anyone undue or unearned harm or set backs, I'm unopposed to our elected officals getting rimrodded, indicted or prosecuted for official malfeasance, indiscretions, dishonesty, immorality, or illegalities, et al. Prosecutions, strippings of power and exposure just might deter these kinds of crimes.


Well, what goes around does come around ... eventually ... and blind partisan apologists end up looking like fools. So far in our universe, Bushco and the neo-cons, Melton and now probably Lott and even Barbour have publicly tarnished, proving that warnings by people paying attention were right on. I don't know who certain loudmouthes are going to have left to support. And at that point, the Republican Party will change. Perhaps back into something to be proud of ... more like the old days before it sold out to racism and Big Greed. You may end up a Republican, yet, Walt. Never say never. ;-)


Believe or not, Donna, I hate that I can't say anything good about the republican party these days. I would prefer to dog both parties like any good or want-to-be comedian would desire. I'm calling it like I see no matter the hate I receive in return.


Trent's brother in law, Richard Dickie Scruggs, heads north toward his new home today in Kentucky. I hate to see him go and believe he got too much time. I wish it was Trent Lott heading to a new home instead because his example has hurt the state and nation more than Scrugg's dealings ever has. I hope Sruggs is able to complete the sentence and learn some ethics and morals while incarcerated. And he might want to learn to follow the law while in jail so he will know bribery is wrong by the time he gets out. Let's pray all his criminal partners will soon join him in jail somwhere too.


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