Melton Recruiting Young People; Wants $1 Million | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Melton Recruiting Young People; Wants $1 Million


Mayor Frank Melton, pictured here in 2006, may have bypassed Council and brought in his own debris crew from Louisiana.

WAPT reported yesterday that Mayor Frank Melton wants a last-minute approval from City Council for $1 million for summer youth jobs. WAPT:

"The signal is very clear. These young people want employment. We have an opportunity to put them on the right track," Melton said. There were 357 openings Saturday morning for Melton's summer jobs program. Within two hours workers said that they received more than 850 applications from local teens. [...]

The mayor has promised every teen a job, as long as they pass a drug test, attend church once a week and perform community service. Melton said that on Monday morning his staff would start calling the teens to put them to work. Before the mayor's plan can work, though, the Jackson City Council has to approve it. Melton said he will make them approve the plan Tuesday night.

There are so many problems here that I don't know where to start. So here's a random list of questions:

1. Who is going to hold this mess of a mayor accountable for how the money is spent?
2. What about his former mentees who work for the city now—are they going to take drug tests, too?
3. Who is going to oversee the problem to ensure that criminals—past or present—are not supervising any parts of this program?
4. Why would the city allow a mayor who has had very bad results in many cases with his mentoring to push his vision of a youth work-recruitment program?
5. What about city liability?
6. Where is the specific plan for this program? Who are all the employers? Why are they just now taking applications?
7. Where will the million dollars come from, considering the mess this administration has made of the city budget?
8. How can we sure that none of these young people will be used by the mayor for potentially illegal activities, such as sledgehammering private homes?
9. Will the new head of the Department of Human Services (or the governor) start paying attention to how Melton is mentoring kids and who is running his youth programs? (Now that Melton friend Col. Don Taylor, who was in that position in the '90s and again recently, has suddenly stepped down, is the new DHS head also a friend of Melton's? Or, will he ask questions?)
10. On a related note, will DHS also start paying attention to how Melton is directing and supervising young men who live in his home?
11. How can a city constitutionally say a young person has to go to church in order to get taxpayer funds? Does this mayor have any idea what is in the U.S. Constitution?
12. What avenues do the teens have if the mayor does not do what he has promised them?
13. Does anyone care about all this to demand answers?

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