Clarion-Ledger Downplays Huge Turnout, Hosemann's Error | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Clarion-Ledger Downplays Huge Turnout, Hosemann's Error

Remarkably, even in the light of day, Clarion-Ledger reporter Natalie Chandler is still repeating an abysmally off turnout prediction by Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann as if it were accurate, and she as yet has not corrected or apologized for a massive error about party turnout that she posted on the Ledger site last evening. (Click here for last night's discussion of those errors as they unfolded.)

On Monday, Hosemann told media that Mississippi's primary turnout would be "light to moderate" with 125,000 to 150,000 people turning out to vote Tuesday. That prediction, which Chandler and fellow reporter Leah Rupp characterized in a story yesterday as "so-so" turnout, was remarkably low: CNN's Mississippi election returns page shows that around 550,000 Mississippians turned out to vote, 400,000 more than Hosemann's top number, and with more than 400,000 voting for Democrats (even as Chandler reported last night that the two parties had turned out about the same number of voters, a story that was still leading the Ledger site at 1 a.m.)

Then this morning, Chandler still parrots Hosemann's Monday statement as fact in her news story, even as he was 400,000 voters short:

"Turnout was light to moderate in a state with 1.78 million voters."

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