Crunching the state's numbers from last week's primaries shows that something is happening in Mississippi. The question is: Will the Obama Effect linger in the state, creating a new political landscape?
Total voters in the 2008 primaries: 565,000
Registered voters who voted in the 2008 primaries: 30%
Voters in the 2008 Democratic primary: 420,000
Voters in the 2008 Republic primary: 145,000
2008 Democratic voters for Obama: 255,809
2008 Democratic voters for Clinton: 155,680
Total voters in the 2004 primaries: 100,000
Race and Democratic Turnout
Voters who said race was "not important": 67%
White Dems who voted for Clinton: 70%
Black Dems who voted for Clinton: 9%
White Dems who voted for Obama: 23%
Black Dems who voted for Obama: 91%
Voters 18-29 who voted in 2004: 20%
Voters 18-29 who voted for Kerry in 2004: 67%
Increase in the 18-29 demographic who voted in the primary: 30%
Republicans and Crossover
2008 Republican voters for Sen. John McCain: 145,000
Clinton voters who identified as Republican: 75%
Clinton voters with a favorable opinion of McCain: 57%
Clinton voters who believe she is untrustworthy: 23%
Obama voters who identified as Republican: 25%
Obama voters with a favorable opinion of McCain: 37%
Obama voters who believe he is untrustworthy: 8%
Mississippi voters for Bush in 2000: 58 percent
Mississippi voters for Bush in 2004: 60 percent
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