Brotha Hustle: "Dr. King warned us about the difficult days ahead. I wonder what he saw when he looked over that mountaintop into the Promised Land. I sure wish I could have glimpsed at his vision. He probably saw the long, rugged and bumpy road that our nation travels on today.
"I wonder if we as a people will make it to the so-called Promised Land. I wonder if Dr. King saw the unfulfilled promises made by certain politicians. Gas is now at $4 a gallon. High medical costs make poor people sick. Unemployment forces people to steal. The parents of 'No Child Left Behind' are behind on their mortgages. And we sob, lament and cry tears into towels that dry up quickly because of 'Global Warming' climate changes.
"Enough of the depressing reflection, It's time for uplifting projection!
"Aunt Tee Tee, the McBride family, Ghetto Science Team and yours truly invite the financially challenged community to participate in 'Hustle Summer.' If action speaks louder than words, then we need to holler, 'It's Hustle Time!' and motivate the humbled masses to get up off their buttocks.
"Ride a bike. Grow and produce your own food. Empower yourself before government and corporations overpower you. Participate in the 'Hustle Summer '08' human improvement enrichment programs at the Clubb Chicken Wing Multi-Purpose Complex. Plenty of 'Juicy Juice' on ice and other refreshments will be served daily.
"Be there or be thirsty, hungry and broke."