Do-Gooders on Steroids! | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Do-Gooders on Steroids!

That would be you and me. The JFP is ramping up efforts to form a "Do-Gooder Corps" in Jackson—basically people who want to help others in whatever way you can, and we invite you to join us. You can get ideas on the new Good Blog, and we're loading up Jackpedia with ways for you to get involved. (Charities and do-gooder groups, please go add/update your information/needs here).

We will soon launch a Do-Gooder e-mail alert list you can sign up for, so keep an eye out. Meantime, we urge everyone to pledge to do whatever you can this holiday season and beyond for others, and to help us help you.

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Yet again the Jackson Free Press creates space for the organic growth of community-based initiatives. You have many accolades JFP, but the first thing i tell people about you is that you made the creatives aware of each other and helped connect us to audiences. The Jacksonian of the week is an amazing community service and the endless profiles and public interest stories helped to show Jackson a reflection of itself that citizens were excited to come and more fully take part in. Thanks for helping to push this latest initiative to plug positive energy into outlets.

daniel johnson

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