Biden's Mother-In-Law Passed Away | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Biden's Mother-In-Law Passed Away

From CBS News:

(WILMINGTON, DEL.) - Joe Biden has cancelled his events for early this week after the passing of his mother in law.

"The Obama-Biden campaign today cancelled Sen. Biden's schedule Monday and Tuesday because of the passing of Jill Biden's mother, Bonny Jean Jacobs, this afternoon after a long illness," Biden spokesman David Wade wrote in an e-mail to the press.

"Other details will follow, but we appreciate everyone's respect for the family's privacy during this difficult time."

Biden had already dropped plans to campaign in Washington, D.C., on Saturday and Virginia today when his family realized the seriousness of Mrs. Jacobs' condition.

My sincerest condolences go out to the Biden family.

Previous Comments


Sorry to hear about this sad news. When Biden gets over this, he needs to start castigating or attacking motor-mouth Palin. He can talk about how klan-like or hateful she appears to be to Barack without any arguable justification or good purpose, and how phony she is for not ever really presenting anything of any substance or for not having any vice-presidential or presidential substance that is visible to the mind and eye. Similarly, he can talk about what an embarrassment she is to the country and women generally for solely relying on backward and backwood ways to appeal to the ugliness in people she deem just like her, and for being so country and negligent as a parent so as to let her needy teenage daughter get pregnant unnecessarily then forcing the boy to marry her no matter whether he loved her daughter or not or would make a good father or not. No truly loving and responsible parent would have exploited this situation or reacted to their daughter's unintended pregnancy in the calculated, reckless, and selfish way Palin has. And he could talk about how ugly that mug and voice of hers is. Again I say some terrorist country could be tempted to attack us for the sole purpose of shutting up her ugly trap. Moreover, Biden and Obama could talk about how dangerous and irresponsible it would be for a country with the talent we have to act so desperately and pick someone as obviously ill-equipped, inexperienced and shallow as Palin. And since McCain picked her over so many capable people it shows he's out of touch, is irresponsible or negligent and is incapable of making a good leader.


I am also sorry to hear about Biden's Mother-In-Law's death. Palin is such an airhead that she can offer nothing but ruthless, insensitive, crude remarks. She(Palin)is professing to be such a great Christain; however, she speaks with so much comfort in calling a person a "terrorist" associate who was only 8 (eight) years old at the time that Ayers was protesting the Viet Nam War. This man has apparently worked through his anger. He continues to do community work and is a professor at a University in Chicago. I'll borrow from Chris Rock on this one, "I'm not saying that it was right to blow up a Federal Building, but, I do understand." These acts, along with the many protest throughout this country saved the lives of many. It caused America to leave a country that was impossible to defeat except by a nuclear attact. Then WHAT?? We watched as the bodies of 50,000+ young American were returned to us. This does not begin to address the hundreds of thousands who were without arms, legs and in many cases, burned beyond recognition. If you want to talk about "unpatriotic" let's talk about "First Dude" and and Sarah's membership in an organization whose purpose was to take Alaska out of the US.


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