Update: Turns out that "Joe" is actually "Samuel Joseph" and is a registered Republican (but says he's in the Natural Law Party); see comments for more weirdness.
Earlier: Joe-the-Plumber 15 minutes of fame may be shortlived: On Politico (which raised the question, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and other blogs, the talk this morning is that he is not turning up on any registered voter rolls. So it may well be that John McCain tried to build his big comeback debate around a guy who doesn't bother to vote. No wonder he wouldn't tell CNN last night who he plans to vote for! It's remarkable that the McCain campaign didn't check his registration first.
And at DailyKos, they're trying to figure out if he's part of the Charles Keating (5) family.
All I know is that the "spreading wealth" talking point seemed to go out earlier in the week to Republican operatives around the country to get it out on blogs in advance; look at this red-baiting post by Andy Taggart at The Clarion-Ledger that I blogged about Monday. Hmmm.
Funny part is that Obama "took back" the Joe meme and won the whole thing with the one word, "zero." Very funny.
Previous Comments
- ID
- 139187
- Comment
Whaaattt? Joe the plummer ain't registered! I'm shocked. Who will he vote for then since the deadline has passed? I wouldn't be surprised if Joe doesn't have some kind of criminal record, too.
- Author
- Walt
- Date
- 2008-10-16T08:33:35-06:00
- ID
- 139196
- Comment
He was interviewed on GMA, and the interviewer said afterwards that Joe's first name is really Sam, and that he is registered to vote. Whatever the truth is, I don't understand how raising the tax rate from 36% to 39% for 5% of the population can be called socialism. Joe called it "penalizing the successful." Huh? I have got to find a video clip. BTW, this blogger claims he revealed the possible Keating connection first. Getting competitive out there, isn't it?
- Author
- LatashaWillis
- Date
- 2008-10-16T09:27:07-06:00
- ID
- 139201
- Comment
Here's the GMA interview I was talking about.
- Author
- LatashaWillis
- Date
- 2008-10-16T09:41:40-06:00
- ID
- 139202
- Comment
I loved that part in the column that said Joe isn't all bad and something about Joe might even wind up giving plummers a bit of a good name for a change.
- Author
- Walt
- Date
- 2008-10-16T10:05:11-06:00
- ID
- 139212
- Comment
If his name is "Sam," why did they call him "Joe"? To appeal to Palin's "Joe Sixpack" fan club?!? This is all extremely weird.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2008-10-16T11:03:52-06:00
- ID
- 139214
- Comment
Ahhh, it's even better. He's a registered *Republican* and voted in his first primary earlier in the year, according to the Toledo Blade (per Politico; can't get Blade link to open; the world must be vetting The Plumber today. Tee, hee.): Linda Howe, executive director of the Lucas County Board of Elections, said a Samuel Joseph Worzelbacher, whose address and age match Joe the Plumber’s, registered in Lucas County on Sept. 10, 1992. He voted in his first primary on March 4, 2008, registering as a Republican. It seems he is part of Keating's family ... wow. Wonder if Andy Taggart is feeling taken, yet? ;-) McCain's people really do think that Americans are stupid, in addition to bigots. We have news for them.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2008-10-16T11:09:42-06:00
- ID
- 139215
- Comment
It gets weirder. He said at a press conference this morning that he is a member of the Natural Law Party. Read this from their Wikipedia page: Between 2000–2004 the Natural Law Party sought to create an independent coalition of voters interested in election law reform. In 2002 the party endorsed Independence Party of Minnesota candidate for Minnesota Governor, Tim Penny. In 2004 the Natural Law Party endorsed Democratic Party presidential candidate Lionel for President. Not long afterwards the Natural Law Party headquarters announced that it was shutting down and many state chapters followed suit. Hagelin went on to start the US Peace Government.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2008-10-16T11:16:01-06:00
- ID
- 139216
- Comment
This is interesting: The party based its platform on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's view that natural law is the supreme organizing principle that governs the universe, and that the problems of humanity are caused by people acting against this natural law. The Natural Law Party claimed that it could realign humanity with this organizing principle through techniques such as the practice of Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, and problems would be alleviated. I've never heard of anything like this before in my life.
- Author
- LatashaWillis
- Date
- 2008-10-16T11:22:45-06:00
- ID
- 139218
- Comment
Well, I've heard of TM and Yoga, and know a lot about fringe and extremist parties and movements (like the Independence and Constitution parties, but this Natural Law Party surprised even me. WTF?
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2008-10-16T11:31:23-06:00
- ID
- 139222
- Comment
Why does it matter that he's a registered Republican? First you spread false rumors that he is not registered, now you backtrack and say that OOOOH HE'S A REPUBLICAN. Your hypocrisy is blinding.
- Author
- QB
- Date
- 2008-10-16T12:04:19-06:00
- ID
- 139233
- Comment
"fair share?" Scary thought. Who makes that determination? Spreading the wealth is the same as "redistribution of wealth." That is, taking what one person earned and giving it to another for free. That, my friends (ha), is a scary thought. And "that one" would like very much to see that occur.
- Author
- QB
- Date
- 2008-10-16T12:56:14-06:00
- ID
- 139234
- Comment
People who have robbed others dry so frequently or their descendants sho nuff are scared of something being taken from them or given back or spread around! And why is all these poor ass members of society with little or nothing to take so afraid something will be taken from them. If you ain't got nothing but your trailer rest assure no one wants it. Not even you. Are you scared I might have one more can of potted meat than you have. Please. Get real.
- Author
- Walt
- Date
- 2008-10-16T13:04:49-06:00
- ID
- 139235
- Comment
Harry, don't buy the red-baiting hype. If you pay taxes, you already participate in some degree of "spreading the wealth." And every time you drive on a highway, you are enjoying the benefits of other people's weath. Or, the many other ways we are all benefitted by the government every day. This country wouldn't be what it is (in its best moments) were it not for "spreading wealth." And let us not forget the Republicans' corporate welfare schemes.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2008-10-16T13:08:11-06:00
- ID
- 139236
- Comment
Fat Harry, the government has been "redistributing wealth" for years. The problem is that it has been taking from the poor and giving to the rich. As Obama says, we've had tax cuts for people like himself who don't need them. Harry, why in the world should we pay taxes while their are so many loopholes that millionaires get away without paying any? Why do we pay taxes while large landowners get government welfare checks for not farming land that they never intended to farm in the first place? This is welfare for the rich. What is this "leave the rich alone and squash the poor" fixation that some Republicans have? You cannot have extreme income inequality and have a healthy economy. That is why it is no coincidence that the last time so much of our wealth was concentrated in the hands of the top one percent was right before the Great Depression. You folk are gluttons for punishment. We will never again have a healthy two-party system as long as you all cannot come up with a better idea than "stick to the poor --- just don't tax the wealthy by any means".
- Author
- FreeClif
- Date
- 2008-10-16T13:09:32-06:00
- ID
- 139237
- Comment
Are you scared I might have one more can of potted meat than you have. I hate potted meat, so y'all can keep that. However, chicken Vienna sausages are another story. :P
- Author
- LatashaWillis
- Date
- 2008-10-16T13:16:18-06:00
- ID
- 139238
- Comment
Here is what scares me: http://www.investmentnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081012/REG/310139971
- Author
- MAllen
- Date
- 2008-10-16T13:19:52-06:00
- ID
- 139246
- Comment
"fair share?" Scary thought. Who makes that determination? Spreading the wealth is the same as "redistribution of wealth." That is, taking what one person earned and giving it to another for free. That, my friends (ha), is a scary thought. And "that one" would like very much to see that occur. posted by Fat Harry on 10/16/08 at 01:56 PM Republicans just love instigating class warfare. When Clinton left office there was a huge federal budget surplus and the country was at peace. Bush and the GOP neo-cons have bankrupted America, squandered the world-wide goodwill after 9/11, made America reviled around the world, presided over the US/world financial collapse, mired us in two losing wars, and made America known as a country that tortures. Whatever you're smoking Fat Harry, pass it around so we can all get loopy.
- Author
- HardTravelin
- Date
- 2008-10-16T13:39:04-06:00
- ID
- 139247
- Comment
Please fix the loopholes then, instead of raising taxes!
- Author
- QB
- Date
- 2008-10-16T13:42:53-06:00
- ID
- 139249
- Comment
Fat Harry, I like to try to understand the other side --- sincerely. Do you think it makes sense to start a 1 trillion dollar war and cut taxes for the wealthy at the same time and then cry "what?, class warfare?"?
- Author
- FreeClif
- Date
- 2008-10-16T13:47:52-06:00
- ID
- 139253
- Comment
I assume you are taking about the rollback of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, Harry? Do you make over $250,000? Or, are you talking about the new taxes for health benefits that McCain wants to impose? And are you OK with "sharing the wealth" with Halliburton and the various contractors who are reaping the rewards of the Iraq War?
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2008-10-16T13:53:32-06:00
- ID
- 139254
- Comment
I have never been able to understand how some people who probably don't have two nickels to rub together can work themselves into a lather over wealthy folk paying their fair share of taxes. Harry, my definition of fair is IF you are in the top 1% and are getting 100 times more return from our tax dollars THEN it is fair for you to pay a rate that is 2 times what the average American pays. Public dollars are invested in many things that generate private returns. There is a road into my subdivision that was paved with public money that increaesed the property values of all those who own land there. When the dam is fixed with public dollars (cost estimat over 1.2 million) and there is a pretty lake there once again it will increase our property values. Following your logic, we should not have to pay any additional taxes on the increase in property values?
- Author
- FreeClif
- Date
- 2008-10-16T14:06:27-06:00
- ID
- 139255
- Comment
Harry is surely on some good stuff. And endless supply it seems.
- Author
- Walt
- Date
- 2008-10-16T14:20:22-06:00
- ID
- 139258
- Comment
I blame the illegal aliens. Oh, and ACORN too doggone it, whoever they are. They sound worse than Osama bin Laden, undermining the very "fabric of our democracy" and whatnot. We should put the unmanned drones on them. Hopefully, there will be no "collateral damage". If so, we'll blame the illegal aliens.
- Author
- FreeClif
- Date
- 2008-10-16T14:28:48-06:00
- ID
- 139259
- Comment
A "rollback" of tax cuts is Obamatalk for a tax increase. Why is this so hard to comprehend? And MAllen brings up a great point - the Democrats in Congress want to remove the tax exempt status of your 401(k) plans! Hello stagflation! Obama's ideas make Jimmy Carter look like Alan Greenspan.
- Author
- QB
- Date
- 2008-10-16T14:56:34-06:00
- ID
- 139261
- Comment
The New York times is reporting Joe the plummer isn't a licensed plummer and owes back taxes. We don't have to worry about Obama hurting Joe the plummer since Joe has hurt himself so badly and is now running from the spotlight. Fear about what Democrats are comtemplating or may do is hogwash and nothing more than the typical fear mongering of republicans. I'm surprised it's not being argued the Russians are coming! I do give the question a little credence since MAllen a decent rpublican asked it.
- Author
- Walt
- Date
- 2008-10-16T15:02:41-06:00
- ID
- 139264
- Comment
So, one Democrat in Congress talks about taxing 401Ks (won't happen) so that means all Dems are for it? I guess that means if one Republican has a wide stance in toilet stalls in airports, then that is what you all do? One Republican equates Obama with Osama so you are all wide eyed wingnuts? Hmmmm, doggone it, now we know. Regardless, Fat Harry, I still refuse to believe all Republicans are wide stanced wingnuts. I believe there still are some sober minded Eisenhower types around (somewhere). After all the wingnuts have been voted out maybe some of those types can reemerge.
- Author
- FreeClif
- Date
- 2008-10-16T15:14:12-06:00
- ID
- 139265
- Comment
Somebody need to go back and check to see if Joe the plummer charged customer as a licensed and bonded plummer or merely as the shady shade-tree plummer he is. Every job he has performed should he checked for flaws too. It may actually turn out he's more of a republican than any of us ever imagined on the dishonest and corrupt tip, if you know aht I mean. Joe couldn't even pay a few thousand in taxes but is about to buy a business he can't even get licensed and bonded to buy or run. Joe is a republican plant similar to the welfare Queen, Willie Horton, States'Rights and so on. The devil has no stopping sense on his own accord. We have to stop him.
- Author
- Walt
- Date
- 2008-10-16T15:15:25-06:00
- ID
- 139272
- Comment
It seems Joe the plummer had a lying spell. The company only made $100,000 last year. Joe may not be a licensed plummer, but he's been working the toilets because he's full of shit.
- Author
- Walt
- Date
- 2008-10-16T15:50:28-06:00
- ID
- 139277
- Comment
I get it now. He is from the bs express. So, he's not a licensed plumber, he's not undecided as he lied and said (it is clear he is a staunch registered Republican who voted in the Repub primary --- probably for McSame).
- Author
- FreeClif
- Date
- 2008-10-16T16:30:38-06:00
- ID
- 139280
- Comment
Fat Harry, 401K plans have never been all they've been cracked up to be. First, they aren't "savings" plans at all; they're investment plans, which, as people are seeing pretty clearly now, rise and fall at the whim of the stock market. And, they are not "tax exempt," they're "tax deferred" plans. After retirement, the income from the plans are taxed at the point you start drawing funds from it as regular income. There are several problems with 401Ks that should be addressed, although the story MAllen linked to is pretty sketchy on details. First, unless you have some major catastrophic need, you can't touch it before 59 1/2, without paying major penalties. Who does that benefit other than the plan managers? Second, see above: as investment plans, 401Ks often do not provide any retirement benefits if you're unlucky enough to have picked a bad mix of investments. People today are completely losing their 401K retirement nest eggs, although you can bet that the fund managers have already gotten their cuts. I saw it happen first hand at WorldCom after the stock tanked. People who had lots of WorldCom stock in their 401K portfolio lost it all, overnight. The Obama tax "rollbacks" are only "increases" to pre-Bush levels for the top 1 percent of Americans. Call 'em what you want. I'm not even close to that $250,000 annual income. There are plenty of people in that bracket who are ready and willing to pay their fair share.
- Author
- Ronni_Mott
- Date
- 2008-10-16T17:11:52-06:00
- ID
- 139281
- Comment
I don't give a shit about Joe the plumber enough to like him or hate him. I do think its hilarious the way he is being dragged around in front of the media like it's "Weekend at Bernie's"
- Author
- Jeff Lucas
- Date
- 2008-10-16T17:51:10-06:00
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