It looks like the students at Thea Bowman Catholic School recently got a very special visit. Here's the press release from the school:
Students at Thea Bowman Catholic School recently welcomed Mrs. Barbara Barber to the school. Mrs. Barber is the oldest living relative of Sr. Thea Bowman, the school's namesake. She delighted the children with stories about Sr. Thea's baptism and family birthday parties. She amazed the students as she talked about Sr. Thea's love for children, singing, dancing, and unity. Mrs. Barber said "Thea had a wonderful, shocking personality. You never knew what to expect from her."
Sister Thea Bowman, a native Mississippian, is best known for her work within the Catholic Church in regard to cultural diversity and unity among all people. Many remember her awesome gifts of teaching, preaching and singing that stirred the listener to ponder on her words, as well as her attention- grabbing style of delivery.
An educator, Sr. Thea received a B.A. in English, Speech and Drama from Viterbo College in La Crosse, Wisconsin; an M.A. in English and a Ph.D. in English Language, Literature, and Linguistics; both degrees from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. The granddaughter of a slave, Sr. Thea Bowman is the first African-American woman to receive a Doctorate in Theology from Boston College. She was also instrumental in establishing the Institute of Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Sr. Thea Bowman died on March 30, 1990.
As 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Nejam-Harkins welcomed her into the classroom, her eyes filled with tears. Having been a 2nd grade teacher herself, Mrs. Barber said it brought back so many special memories. "She is a precious lady and was so sincere about everything she was saying. I don't think a single student batted an eye while she was speaking. She plans on coming back to our school and read to the students. She said she just loves reading to children!
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