Palin-McCain Camp Disses Penn State President | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Palin-McCain Camp Disses Penn State President

So much for reaching across the aisle, eh? The Chronicle of Higher Education reports:

The issue at Penn State began, according to ABC News, when university security officers called officials with John McCain's campaign to make arrangements for Penn State's president, Graham B. Spanier, to greet Ms. Palin privately just before her address to a crowd of some 7,500 supporters Tuesday evening at the university's Rec Hall.

Administrators in Mr. Spanier's office say that a McCain campaign aide, Russ Bermel, telephoned them to question the idea, saying that Mr. Spanier is "a big Democrat" who probably wouldn't want to meet with Ms. Palin, ABC reported. Penn State administrators later discussed the matter and decided to withdraw the greeting request as a way "to defuse the awkwardness," the university officials told ABC. [...]

The speech by Ms. Palin itself was open only to supporters chosen by the McCain campaign. The university billed the campaign $8,000 for using the hall, as it makes its facilities available free of charge only when all members of the public are invited to attend. Former President Bill Clinton spoke Wednesday at Penn State, backing Barack Obama, at an event that was open to all who wanted to attend.

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Tuesday Night hopefully will stop the McCain/Palin play-hatin'on the Democrats. Then I hope the party will simply implode thereby....


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