WAIT: Isn't It ‘Sexist' to Criticize Female Reporters!?! | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

WAIT: Isn't It ‘Sexist' to Criticize Female Reporters!?!

It's call-the-messenger-sexist time. After keeping embattled running mate Sarah Palin under wraps since Monday, and canceling a CNN interview due to Campbell Brown asking about Palin's foreign policy expertise, McCain campaign today blamed the media for pursuing questions about Palin's background and said that the criticism of her is sexist. Read more at Politico:

Faced with tough questions about Sarah Palin, John McCain's campaign and other Republicans are responding with a defensive crouch — lashing out at the media to deflect Palin from scrutiny and to rally a party base that has fallen hard for the conservative Alaska governor.

McCain aides, responding to questions about Palin's qualifications to be vice president as well as her family life — including her pregnant and unwed teenage daughter — have aggressively turned the tables on the media by questioning reporters' motives and suggesting a sexist double standard.

Throughout the party, at various venues throughout the Twin Cities, other Republicans have picked up the media-bashing banner, knowing instinctively that little else can better rally the spirits of their faithful than pitting the purportedly "liberal media" against their new shining star. [...]

uesday, the campaign ratcheted up the criticism, singling out New York Times reporter Elisabeth Bumiller for her reporting on whether McCain sufficiently vetted Palin.

"Ms. Bumiller, if you'd like to try reporting instead of writing fiction, here's a link to our press line," campaign blogger Michael Goldfarb wrote, snarkily offering a phone number to the campaign headquarters.

Of course, this could be why he's testy. The Washington Post is reporting that he and his aides lied about the vetting of Palin.

The word "sexist" sure is getting bastardized in the hands of the McCain folks. Pardon the expression.

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