Ole Miss Debate a Conspiracy to Help Obama? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Ole Miss Debate a Conspiracy to Help Obama?

You gotta love it when the conspiracy theorists get going. This blog asks, "Was the debate schedule gamed for Obama too?. (Wonder if they know when the debate was scheduled for Oxford?)

Now I see that the first presidential debate this Friday between Barack Obama and John McCain will take place at "Ole MissԖthe University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi. Could there be a more favorable site for Obama? It looks like the Debate committee decided to give us another "teachable moment" on race (h/t Riverdaughter). The cable networks must be salivating at this opportunity to give their favorite candidate another boost. [...]

Let's hope the Obama-obsessed media will stand aside and let James Meredith and his fellow marchers hold both candidates' feet to the fire over the AIDS issue. But I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen. I expect Wolf Blitzer, Candy Crowley, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews will be all over this, cynically exploiting the historic events that took place in Oxford, Mississippi in the 1960s to advance their chosen candidate. I hope I'm wrong.

The site does display (lift?) some great images of James Meredith, though. For his part, Mr. Meredith believes the debate would have never landed at Ole Miss had "they" known that Obama would be part of it. He also believes the topic of the debate was changed at the last minute to foreign policy over domestic issues because Obama is a nominee. More from him in tomorrow's JFP interview. You won't want to miss it.

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