Cancelled Event A Blow To Obama Fundraising | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Cancelled Event A Blow To Obama Fundraising

More on the cancelled Women for Obama-Biden Forum that Donna mentioned earlier today:

Mary Katherine Brown, president of the Mississippi Federation of Democratic Women, told me that she's been fielding calls all day about refunding tickets for the event. The Federation won't lose much money other than printing costs for advertising, she said. They had planned to use the proceeds from the $25 tickets for a get-out-the-vote campaign, though. As of Wednesday afternoon, they had sold 1,042 tickets. Brown doesn't have an official count on refund requests, yet, but judging from the number of times I got a busy signal while trying to call her, I'd say the figure is high. While the event was originally postponed, Brown says there are no immediate plans to reschedule.

Echoing a sentiment that appears to cross party lines, Brown was very skeptical of McCain's motives for wanting to postpone the debate.

"This is all a political ploy to get out of having to face Barack Obama and Joe Biden," she told me. "It's a cowardly act. I hope that the American people are paying attention."

Previous Comments


Ward, do you know why they cancelled it if Obama is coming regardless of what McCain does? It sounds like they had to decide yesterday about the food, so does that mean everything was too uncertain at that point so they had to move? That was my impression from the statement, but this is really too bad. Although I suppose McCain wouldn't think so.


You're right, Donna, they canceled yesterday when it was unclear whether either candidate would show up. Mary told me that she's tried contacting the Obama campaign about getting Michelle to appear at a later date, but they're understandably preoccupied with the debate and haven't gotten back to her.

Ward Schaefer

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