Jackson, Miss., to KKK: Drop Dead | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Jackson, Miss., to KKK: Drop Dead


OK, maybe not dead exactly. But let it be said that the citizens of Jackson, Miss., do not give a flying bigot what these irrevelant creeps think of us. There it is.

The Klan will, however, have pamphlets and membership applications on hand for any audience members who happen to share the Klansmen's views. Some examples of those views: Obama's election "could be the destruction of America," says Greene, who states categorically that he would not vote for a black candidate. Says the Emperor of the Mississippi White Knights (the group's ritual leader), who asked not to be identified: "Locally, every place that has come under black rule has declined, and has declined sharply." He cited Jackson, Miss., and Washington, D.C., as examples. "Not all black people are particularly bad people," the emperor adds. But leadership, he asserts, "is just not in their character ... it's just not in their ability." The Obama campaign did not return requests for comment.

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