Oxford Puts On Its Party Pants | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Oxford Puts On Its Party Pants

OXFORD—For all the debate fever of the past week, Oxford's real transformation has taken place in the last 24 hours. The town felt fairly quiet yesterday morning, but by the afternoon, several impromptu Obama campaign apparel businesses had set up around the square, working out of air conditioning vans or on folding tables. Today, the square has reached another level. Even more patriotic bunting hangs outside the centrally-located shops. Lily's Gifts on the square has a sign asking if you're "Election Ready." Apparently we'll need drinking cups for the election. The mannequins in Kaleidoscope are sporting stars-and-stripes top hats along with their dresses. The Darfur protester carrying a Mississippi state flag--who's been sitting in front of the courthouse since I got here--has all the media attention he could want. There's a steady stream of foot and car traffic, including lots of children. Oxford schools aren't closed today, but it looks like some parents deem the debate a suitable educational alternative.

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Let the party begin at the nation's No. 2 party school. ;-)


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