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Despite contradicting claims from Mayor Frank Melton, former Jackson Police Chief Malcolm McMillin said he resigned his position today for purely political reasons rather than tension between Melton and himself. "I couldn't stay as chief in this administration while I was not supporting the mayor's bid for re-election," McMillin said. "I thought it would say a lot about me and my integrity and honesty in taking that salary without supporting the mayor."
McMillin said he and Melton disagreed on a number of issues, though those issues ultimately were not the seat of his resignation.
The former chief had earlier threatened to leave his post after City Attorney Sarah O'Reilly-Evans fired an attorney assigned to the police department by the city. Melton later criticized the use of SUVs by high-level support staff. McMillin dismissed those arguments as "a rift born of a lack of understanding," but still not the reason for his departure.
McMillin said he wasn't sure if he wanted to serve as chief under a new administration. Ward 6 Councilman Marshand Crisler, who is seeking to unseat Melton in the primary, has told the Jackson Free Press that he would consider keeping McMillin on as chief.
Crisler is a Hinds County deputy, currently on leave from the department to pursue his mayoral campaign.
"I don't know if I would (return as chief) or not," McMillin said. "There've been a couple of candidates that indicated they would (hire me), but my decision isn't based on whether or not I'm going to be chief. Hell, I was already chief."
McMillin would not say who he was endorsing in the campaign, but did say why he was endorsing a candidate other than his former boss.
"We've got two trials, another one coming up, lawsuits. I think that alone speaks for itself," McMillin said, referring to one federal and one state trial connected to the mayor's alleged illegal demolition of a home on Ridgeway Street in 2006. Jurors could not reach a decision on Melton's guilt or innocence this year, and Melton will undergo another trial in May.
McMillin said he had no reservations with Melton's pick for new chief, former commander Tyrone Lewis.
"The (budget) is already in place," McMillin said. "He's going to inherit a department that's in a lot better shape than the one I did. When we went there, we didn't have a fiscal officer; we didn't have a grants person. Grants were in a mess. They're in good shape now. Sixty-two percent of the overtime had been spent in the first quarter. We were in pretty bad shape. The department is in good shape now."
Melton told the Jackson Free Press this morning that Lewis had trained under McMillin for his new role and that he had confidence that his nominee for chief is ready.
"I think the mayor's made his decision," McMillin said, referring to Melton's willingness to accept his letter of resignation.
When asked why he thought Melton had not chosen Assistant Chief Lee Vance for the new position, McMillin said Melton may be weighing his heaviest allies: "If I were mayor, I would want the person I trusted most, that I felt I was closest to, to be in a position to carry out the things I wanted him to do," he said.
Melton supported Lewis in his run against McMillin for Hinds County sheriff in 2006. McMillin won that race.
CORRECTION APPENDED: An earlier version of this story misquoted an earlier JFP story when it stated that Melton told the Jackson Free Press that he wanted McMillin to stay on to train Lewis. However, in that interview reported earlier today, Melton told JFP editor Donna Ladd that Lewis had already trained for 19 months under McMillin. He did not offer that McMillin stay on longer. The story above is now corrected.
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