Drop them by Polyvulc Tire Recycling. The company grinds old tires and then ships them to various locations around the Southeast where the tire strips are reused in mud flaps, asphalt, commercial construction projects and more. Call 601-352-7165 for more information.
Tip # 2: If you have an open weekend
Plant trees in your yard. Join the Arbor Day Foundation, and they'll send you 10 free trees. The Mississippi Forestry Commission also provides assistance and training for urban areas in developing urban forest management plans. Visit http://www.arborday.org and http://www.www.mfc.state.ms.us.
Tip #3: If you have one minute
Visit http://www.charitii.com and play a challenging vocabulary game in the same vein as http://www.freerice.com. This Web site allows you to donate to the charity of your choice. You can either donate 10 ounces of water, 10 grains of wheat through CARE, 10 minutes of education through The Oaktree Foundation, or 10 square inches of rainforest land through The Nature Conservancy. This game is addictive as it is green.
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