Spacecraft Coming to Jackson | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Spacecraft Coming to Jackson


Artist's concept of NASA's Orion crew exploration vehicle in lunar orbit.

A full-sized mockup of America's next-generation spaceship is making a stop in Jackson on its way from Florida to Texas. NASA's Orion crew exploration vehicle will dock at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, tomorrow, Aug. 13, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

NASA uses the Orion mockup to study the environment for astronauts and recovery crews after an ocean splashdown, reports News Blaze. The Orion is headed for the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, where it will be on public display from Aug. 14 through Aug. 17.

"The first portion of PORT (Post-landing Orion Recovery Tests) testing was a great success, giving NASA an early look into the motions crews inside and outside Orion will feel after landing," Alan Rhodes, PORT testing lead at Johnson told News Blaze. "This will allow us to modify the design to aid in the recovery of the vehicle and crew."

"America will send a new generation of explorers to the moon aboard NASA's Orion crew exploration vehicle," according the NASA. "Making its first flights to the International Space Station early in the next decade, Orion is part of the Constellation Program to send human explorers back to the moon, and then onward to Mars and other destinations in the solar system."

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The Orion will be at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, today from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.


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