This holiday season, don't forget about the animals.
The Mississippi Animal Rescue League (MARL), cares for more than 15,000 animals a year with a budget of over $850,000. Their monthly heating bill in winter is between $3,800 and $4,500.
MARL has lots of cuties needing homes, with new ones arriving everyday. The majority of the animals at MARL are dogs and cats, but they have also taken in horses, goats, donkeys, birds, rabbits, hamsters, snakes and even alligators.
Consider adopting an animal, making a financial donation or purchasing a few items for the shelter. We've created a shopping list you can take with you the next time you are at the store.
Mississippi Animal Rescue League (MARL)
5221 Greenway Drive 601-969-1631
Shopping List
• Purina or Pedigree adult or puppy dog food
• Purina dry kitten food
• Square bales of hay
• 12 percent sweet feed
• Crimped oats
• Clay cat litter
• Q-tips
• Bath tissue & Kleenex
• Paper towels
• Spray bottles
• Cleaning supplies: 409 Orange, Simple Green and Windex
• Dishwashing and laundry detergent
• Garbage bags: 13-gallon size and 39-gallon extra heavy duty
• Brooms and dust pans
• Hand towels and bath towels
• Bleach
• Puppy and kitten toys
• Pens, Scotch tape and staplers
• No.10 business envelopes (white)
• 200 & 400 ASA color film
• Postage stamps
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