"Building Bridges Through Diversity: One Goal, One Vision" is this year's theme for the fourth annual Unity Conference, sponsored by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance. The conference, which starts tonight at 7 p.m. with a book signing reception and photo gallery, continues through Saturday, Dec. 5 at the Cabot Lodge, Millsaps (2375 North State St.).
The conference emphasizes a convergence of struggles clearly represented by two icons of two movements on the cutting edge of struggles in the United States: Gilbert Padilla, the unsung organizer of the Latino and Asian farm workers movement in the Southwest, and James Meredith, the courageous fighter for racial equality and well-known figure in the Mississippi civil rights movement, according to a release. They will join together in a discussion over pushing forward the organizing we are engaged in every day.
Tonight's reception hosts author and photojournalist David Bacon and includes a presentation on his recent book, "Illegal People." Bacon is also a scheduled guest speaker during the Friday and Saturday sessions, which begin at 8:30 a.m. Topics for the conference include: Census 2010; health-care reform; language access in Mississippi; education; racial profiling; and unifying the workforce. Cost is $25 and includes meals and materials.
For additional information, go to the Unity Conference Web site, or call Alisha Johnson at 678-333-4866 or Bill Chandler at 601-594-3564.
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