CarLESS and Proud | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

CarLESS and Proud

Something unique happens when you stop using your car for a week: you become addicted to a newfound freedom.

Last week about 25 Jacksonians, including JFP reporter Ward Schaefer and me, participated in CarLESS week. For one week we vowed not to use our cars and get around Jackson by biking, walking or using public transportation.

Though I wasn't 100 percent carLESS, I biked to work and home for the majority of the week. I even rode my bike in the snow to the Chick Jam on Friday night at Hal & Mal's.

Throughout the week I biked to local businesses, and out to various events around the city at night. Ward and I discussed the idea of car sharing, where one of us brings our car to work, and we share it when we need to go out on assignments.

I think this experiment strengthened the bike advocacy movement that hit the ground a few months ago with the formation of the Jackson Bike Advocates. Whenever I saw fellow CarLESS participants, we formed a bond from braving the cold weather, snow and bumpy roads together.

This experiment raised an important question for me: Could Jackson really become a bike-friendly city, with multi-use trails and residents who choose exercise, environmental conservation and shopping at local businesses over their SUVs?

I'd like to think so. Let's keep this conversation going.

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Cheers to Lacey, Ward and the rest of the Bike Advocates gang: We're going to need to get a JFP bike rack if this keeps up! Jackson needs this movement; thanks to all of you for getting it going. And you've motivated me to ask Santa for a bike for Christmas, although I don't plan to ride it to Hal & Mal's in the snow at night as Lacey and Ward! ;-)


Way to go for all these folks. I have been commuting into Jack for a year and a half now. I know how hard it is to make a complete week. Rain is a constant problem and I hate to ride in it. Overall most drivers have been very cool about being cautious and I think the movement will gain strength! Cheers to you all.

wade G.

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