The U.S. government called Ridgeway Street duplex owner Jennifer Sutton as their second witness in the federal civil-rights trial of Jackson Mayor Frank Melton today. Crying as she looked a photos of the August 2006 damage, Sutton told the courtroom that she had not been contacted by the city prior to the demolition of her property. Melton said there had been 37 counts against the duplex.
As questioning continued, Sutton said that after the destruction of the Ridgeway duplex, on Sept. 5, 2006, the mayor and two other city officials contacted her. "He was rude and loud, and I hung up," she said regarding Melton's phone call.
Melton's attorney, John Reeves, later cross-examined Sutton, hammering her about two civil suits, one federal and one state, and whether Melton offered to pay her during that Sept. 5 phone call. Sutton clutched her chest throughout the cross examination, asking for a break at one point.
As Sutton's chest pains increased, the more pained she appeared to be. Jordan eventually excused her. Her questioning is expected to resume this afternoon.
In the meantime, the prosecution called witness Lawrence Cooper, who was at the duplex with tenant Evans Welch the night of the demolition. He testified that former mayoral bodyguard Marcus Wright held a gun to his head and ordered him out of the house. He said he also witnessed Michael Recio, Melton's former bodyguard who is on trial with the mayor, helping young people tear down an awning in the front of the duplex.
In cross-examination, Reeves asked Cooper if he and Welch had been drinking that night. Cooper replied that they had but couldn't remember how much. Maybe a six pack, he thought. Reeves continued to press the issue of drinking, asking Cooper how often and how much the two drank together. Cooper said that he and Welch drank together roughly every other weekend, and when they did, they drank "enough."
When Reeves asked what constituted "enough," Cooper replied: "I can't say--enough to get a buzz. A buzz for you might be two beers. A buzz for me might be 17, 18." At his answer, the courtroom erupted in laughter. Jordan asked the courtroom to be quiet.
Reeves continued his cross-examination, and asked Cooper if beer was the only thing he and Welch had been consuming that night. "I think so," Cooper replied.
The allegation that the Ridgeway duplex was a hub for drug activity was a strong part of the defense case in Melton's state trial, and the jury acquitted him. Jordan ruled that defense attorneys would not be able to introduce any evidence of drug use at the duplex in the federal trial.
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