Amid controversy over the Ill. Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama, Mississippi's congressmen were sworn in to the 111th Congress today. Freshman Republican representative Gregg Harper joins Democrats Bennie Thompson, Gene Taylor and Travis Childers, who won his first full term in November. Roland Burris, embattled Gov. Rod Blagojevich's pick to take Obama's place, was blocked from taking the seat.
Childers' office released a statement today as the First District representative enters his first full term:
Washington, DC – Congressman Travis Childers was sworn into the 111th Congress today, his second swearing in since May. The Congressman participated in an individual swearing-in ceremony following the en masse oath of office on the floor of the House of Representatives."I am incredibly honored to be sworn in for the second time to the U.S. House of Representatives," said Congressman Childers. "It has been a great privilege to serve the good people of Mississippi's First District, and I will continue to work hard towards uplifting the economy and creating jobs and opportunities in North Mississippi."
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