No Child Left Inside | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

No Child Left Inside


There is a growing epidemic among today's children. Television, video games and endless after-school activities are rapidly taking the place of spending time playing outside. And in today's culture of fear, many children's experiences with the out-of-doors only include supervised time on sterile playgrounds lined with gravel and populated with brightly colored plastic slides.

From an environmental standpoint, kids who are not exposed to nature are less likely to be interested in conserving energy, recycling, or other green issues. So an important part of the long-term solution to global warming is instilling environmental awareness and appreciation in the next generations. Our children will inherit a troubled planet. We need to equip them with love for it and the ability to be proactive in protecting it.

The future health of our planet is not the only thing to profit from kids spending more time outside. Studies show that children who spend time in nature experience lower rates of ADHD, better health, stronger motor skills and more creativity than kids who stay inside most of the time. As a result of such research, the United States House of Representatives passed the "No Child Left Inside" act last September in an effort to expand outdoor and environmental education in public schools. This is a great step, but we can do more.

What can we do in our own families? Wander the trails at one of Jackson's many natural areas. Get the whole family together for a mountain-biking expedition. Take your kids fishing. Volunteer to help coordinate planting a garden or creating a wildlife habitat at your child's school. Help your kids plant a vegetable and herb garden in your backyard. Go on a rock-hopping adventure to the creek at Rocky Springs. Let your older kids explore and play in unmanicured natural areas—such as the woods down the street—on their own equipped with a cell phone in case of emergencies. Plant a family tree in the front yard. Take your family on a camping trip to one of Mississippi's state parks. Bring neighbors, relatives and friends along for the ride.

One of the most important things you can do is share your own love for the outdoors; children learn from adult role models in their lives. Treat environmental awareness as something that is important for all people, not just children. Avoid causing fear about nature or about environmental issues. Focus instead on being proactive as a family to reduce, reuse and recycle as you enjoy nature's bounty together.

Local Resources

Clinton Community Nature Center
617 Dunton Road, Clinton, 601-926-1104

Cypress Swamp
Milepost 122 off the Natchez Trace,

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science
2148 Riverside Drive, 601-354-7303

Mississippi Petrified Forest
124 Forest Park Road, 601-879-8189

Online Resources

Recommended Reading

"Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder" by Richard Louv
"Living Simply with Children" by Marie Sherlock
"Eco Kids" by Dan Chiras

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