At a June 25 meeting at Koinonia Coffee House, Mayor-elect Harvey Johnson Jr. told Ward 5 residents that the theme for the city during his third term as mayor will be "responsibility." This not only applies to elected city officials, he said, but is also a call to Jackson residents to take part in their community to better it for themselves and for those around them.
"I look forward to working with each and every one of you, and I look forward moving this city forward because we need to do it together," Johnson told the crowd Friday.
At the event, Johnson focused on safety, crime, poverty, economic development and the role citizens play in bettering the situations that the city is facing. Among his chief priorities was public safety, Johnson said, adding a call to institute a crime-victims unit to ensure that victims of crime have protection during their particular cases.
Ex-offender re-entry is another major issue for the incoming administration, Johnson said. "There are too many young people coming back into our system that do not have the skills, and do not have the education to be an active participant in our job market," he said. Johnson encouraged employers to participate in re-entry programs.
The mayor-elect then spoke about poverty in Jacksonone out of four people in Jackson lives in povertyand ways the city can address it. "We can no longer sweep it under the rug," Johnson said. He wants to combat poverty by putting people to work instead of relying on the welfare system.
Other issues Johnson addressed with the audience included school-board appointments and the need for a movie theater in Jackson.
Johnson called for Jackson residents to avoid going to movie theaters in outer lying suburbs for a month to show that Jackson is serious about bringing a theater to the capital city.
Inauguration Day Events
Friday, July 3
• 8 a.m. Prayer service at New Hope Baptist Church (5202 Watkins Drive)
• 11:30 a.m. Inaugural ceremony at Jackson Convention Complex (105 E. Pascagoula St.). Harvey Johnson Jr. will be sworn in as mayor of Jackson.
• 12:30 p.m. Reception at Jackson Convention Complex.
• 8 p.m. Inaugural Celebration at Jackson Convention Complex. Celebrate Johnson's inauguration with food, live entertainment and a cash bar.
All events are free and open to the public.
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