Panther Mentality with a White Fist | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Panther Mentality with a White Fist

I find myself agreeing with about 100% of what the original Black Panther Party stood for, after the black nationalist platform was abandon. Do not confuse this with the "New Black Panther Party" who advocates racism, anti-semitism and homophobia. I don't think that anyone would confuse the two since the NBPP is anti-white, and I am, well, white. They also have no direct association with the original party. I admire the BPP because they were not an organization who just complained about the problems they faced, they actually took action. I respect groups who walk the walk for a better society. I have always admired "radical" groups because of the passion and will to fight for everything they stand for knowing that there will be backlash. I love watching documentaries and reading about older radical groups. I get a sense of excitement and always want to watch or read more. Not just the BPP, but groups like the Revolutionary Youth Movement and Weather Underground. *Halt!* "Did he just say the Weather Underground?" Before you say to yourself, "there's a dirty commie," let me set the record straight and say I am not of such. I should actually do another post about the ignorance and fear of words that much of society has without knowing the meaning. Back to the topic. I do not completely disagree with these organizations politics. I actually agree with most, but I am more of a left-libertarian or libertarian-socialist. Do not be afraid! I am not a propaganda spitting device that is going to drown you with useless information. No, I am just informing you that I am not throwing these groups that I admire under the bus, but I know the readers of this will have the intelligence and acceptance to a new, or not so new, ideology :) . Basically, I should sum this whole post up to say... I should have lived in the 60s/70s *sigh*.

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the NBPP is anti-white, and I am, well, white. The original BPP didn't allow whites as members and most of the leadership was anti-white. Here is a gem from Eldridge Cleaver (former Black Panther leader on why he raped white women) “Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women …” [Eldridge Clever, Soul on Ice, McGraw-Hill, 1968, p.14.] Not a lot to admire there if you ask me. You aren't so much spitting propaganda as regurgitating the propaganda that casts these violent thugs as some kind of community do gooders. You are, however, spitting on the people that were raped and killed by the groups you so admire. A racist by any other color is still a racist no matter how many free breakfasts they give away. Racist violence can't solve can't solve the problems of a violent and racist society. It's why those groups don't exist anymore. Reasonable, thinking people rejected violence and terror as a tool of change. Maybe if you had lived in the 60's and 70's you'd be old enough now to know better and then it's possible you would be in a position to better lecture someone about ignorance and fear.


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