Letting It All Out | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Letting It All Out

Have you ever been completely consumed with something that you begin to obsess over it? Then the obsessing causes you to act out toward others ... and in turn you start doing all this pointless fussing? Well that's been me for the past couple of weeks.

Lately I've been having these battles inside my head between these totally obsessive thoughts and my desire to overcome them. It's amazing how you can seem all put together on the outside but on the inside its like your mind is going wild ... After realizing that the aftermath of me keeping all these thoughts bottled in could be pretty harmful, I decided to let it all out ... just to see where it would get me. Now of course this is the last thing I wanted to do because I am so worried about being looked at as vulnerable. But lets admit it ... we all are a tad bit vulnerable to some degree no matter what we say or how we try to act like we aren't. I think that in these times, we all should try to "let it all out". Find someone you can confide in who is trustworthy, and who will listen without passing judgement.

Sometimes talking and releasing all of the pressure that has found a home inside your thoughts can be the best therapy ever ... and its free. ;-) Writing my feelings and having someone read them is my personal favorite. You know ... for those cases where you're too shy or a little hesitant to speak about something in person. We should all practice this now more than ever with the instability of the economy and the increase in depression and suicides. And for those that have the privilege of providing that "listening ear," you'll be surprised to know how much you helped out a friend, co-worker, relative or spouse.

OK on three, lets all take a deep breath and let it out. One. Two. Three...

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