Jail: My Experience | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Jail: My Experience

Last week I was arrested for a charge I am legally not old enough to commit. I was transfered to the downtown jail in a car that the officer was driving 70 mph in a 35 with no lights on. I was processed and held in handcuffs and shackles for about three hours. We were then transfered holding at the Raymond Detention Center. I was made to put on a orange jump suit and sit in a concrete room with about ten other guys. I did not sleep or eat the entire time I was in there, and at about seven in the morning we were taken out and ready to go to court. I did not have my rights read, hardly got a phone call, have another court date. When I was waiting on the bench for my name to be called, the judge, DA and just about everyone else near the bench were looking through books to see what my charge would be if I pleaded guilty. As they were looking, I called the DA over to explain to him my situation. After I told him, he asked my age and I told him I was twenty, and he suggested I plead not guilty. After I said my plea, he told the judge my age and requested that I bring my ID to the court and that my charges be dismissed. The judge looked at the information and followed by setting another court date. After the trials were complete we were shipped back to Raymond. I waited in a cell knowing that my bond was already at the office waiting for my signing. After waiting a couple of hours I finally had the chance to sign the sheet. After I signed my bond sheet I was sent back into holding though my ride was waiting for me. My dad was the one who had to tell the officer at the front desk to call down for my release. If he didn't do so, I am sure I would have been sitting there much longer. When I got out, my dad told me they had all of the information ready around 4 p.m. and they were ready to release me, but since it seems they have no managing at the center, my paper work sat on their desk until they wanted to do it. I was finally released by 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon.

I am not going into specifics about what happen until after my trial, but I just wanted to get out that the detention center has no control in the "back." I don't mean from the people in the holding, but from the deputies. Certain shifts of workers treated the inmates and ones in holding like they were not human, and keep in mind I was in the misdemanor cell. I heard one of the guards making fun of a guy that was on suicide watch when I was about to finally be released. It was not a fun experience by any means. Apparently, these types of events happen a lot at the center. I have heard many stories from the people in the cell and people around the city that have heard my story. I would like people to leave comments if they have a story similar to my situation with the center.

Previous Comments


I agree with the wait and lackluster customer service, but thats MAC's palace and its his way or the highway.


Never been an overnight guest at Raymond, have been an overnight guest in Rankin county, they have the same problem as far as not being in any hurry to do paper work either, but I did get a bologna sandwich for supper and a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast. : )


Thanks for posting your story, JonOkeefe. We have so many people involved in law enforcement who are there for the wrong reason and who are without the training or character needed in these positions. Unfortunate for most cities, the reputation of most is that of "THE BIG BAD WOLF" and everyone should shake in their boots when they see one. I have never been arrested; however, during the past mayoral election, I came very close when an officer was called by our apponent's poll workers. They reported that we were not 150 ft. away from the voting area and that we had to move across the street from the school. I tried to explain to the female officer that I had worked that particular polling place for 12 years and that we have had the area measured. The officer was very rude and told me to "Get you A on the other side of the street or I will take you down town." I was truly up for the fight; however, others with me asked that we comply and not engage in any negative news reporting. This is my story and I have many war stories to tell about the mentally challenged and the poor. They are targets by far too many in law enforcement. It is my hope that Mayor Johnson will address the issue here with this type of behavior and verbal abuse of citizens. As for McMillin and his group, maybe there will be a domino effect. We can keep our fingers crossed.


When I was in New Orleans watching some bands play, there was a fight outside of the show. The two people we not even apart of the event, but the cops went nuts and started going through the building and grabbing people. This one girl said, "What the hell is going on?" They took her and handcuffed her. I asked why she was being arrested, and the officer said, "mind your own f***ing business and stop asking dumb a** questions." It is ridiculous.


Sorry you got arrested player. Getting arrested is one of my great fears too, and I've come close many times while at work doing what I do. Keep the faith and be careful. Some police officers are crazy as hell.


Ok... so... "Last week I was arrested for a charge I am legally not old enough to commit" Then what exactly is your trial for? I don't understand.


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