Never Meeting a Stranger | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Never Meeting a Stranger

Do you remember when you were in kindergarden, when you teacher asked you to introduce yourself for the first time to everyone? Well, interning at the Jackson Free Press has been that experience times a hundred and I couldn't have been more happier.

My experience has been awesome so far. I have only a few more weeks here but I am happy that I am an intern for the Jackson Free Press. I've had the opportunity to meet some pretty awesome people who are very enthusiastic about what they do in the city. I've gotten the chance to interview Daniel and Adam from F. Jones Corner, officials from the Jackson Boys and Girls Club and even a newscaster from Fox 40 news. These interviews have opened up my eyes to the people who are in my backyard. I enjoyed getting the time to get to know these people and why they have the drive to do what they do for the city. They are very passionate people in the field they work in. I hope that one day that I can be as passionate about my career as they are about theirs.

I have learned a valuable lesson after interviewing these awesome people. That lesson is that I should meet one new person every day and get to know them. This is my challenge for myself and everyone who reads this blog. So get out there and meet new people because in reality we are all kindergardeners waiting to introduce ourselves to a new person.

Meeting new people everyday,
Gerard D. Manogin

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Good goal, Gerard. ;-) Also, to the general readership, we just closed a blog post by the fearless Jackson Breland because it contained content paraphrased from another blog that has not been confirmed. Thus, the post will need to be factchecked and perhaps edited before going live.


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