The building that housed Seven*Studioz is reopening, under new ownership and a new name: Cultural Expressions. Dora Lowe confirmed that she has owned the building, formerly rented by Seven*Studioz manager Ezra Brown, since June. Brown has been living in New York for the past several months.
The JFP Daily reported July 7 that Seven*Studioz would be reopening under new management. Brown then Twittered that we were wrongthat Seven would not reopen at alland we posted a correction on July 14. We later received a press release about upcoming shows at Cultural Expressions, located at 147 Millsaps Avenue, the same address as Seven*Studioz.
Phillip Rollins, aka DJ Young Venom, a regular performer at Seven who will continue appearing at Cultural Expressions, said Lowe had been running Seven in Brown's absence.
Lowe wouldn't comment on what Brown said. "Whatever that was is squashed," she said, reiterating that she now owned the building. "This is a new thing that's coming out."
Cultural Expressions will feature live R&B, blues, rap and hip-hop, old-school poetry and more, Lowe said: "Whatever you want to express. And it has nothing to do with color. We want to accept anyone who wants to express themselves."
Cultural Expressions opens tonight at 9 p.m., with music from DJ Phingaprint, Sean Mac and C-Lecta.
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