It seems like everyone has a Twitter account these days. Aging Politicians. Pro Athletes. Even MC hammer has gotten into the mix. But what about the historical icons of the past? If they had Twitter, then what would they twitt...ahem...tweet? Find out below:
"Nobody panic. I got this." - Herbert Hoover, 1929.
"I swear to God, one more short joke and I'm totally conquering Italy." - Napoleon Bonaparte, 1795
"Sigh. White People." - Martin Luther King, Jr., 1965
"@buzzaldrin Watch this sh*t. I'm on the moon, mutha*****s!" Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 landing, 1969.
"Sure. The Sun is the center of the solar system. Riiiiiiight. lmao! #galileosux" Pope Paul V, 1616
"@benedictarnold Dude, don't even worry about it. These things tend to blow over rather quickly." King George III, 1780
"i love naps @ work...hope the boss doesn't read this...lolz" - Slavutych Telyatnikov, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 12:49 AM April 26th, 1986 from iPhone
"@fdrosey Germany invades Poland. WTF???!!!." - Winston Churchill, 1939
"Sigh. White People." - Abraham Lincoln, 1862
Bryan Doyle is a freelance writer currently living in Washington, D.C. Contact him at doyleberg[at]
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