Mark Your Calendar for Jackson Mayoral Candidate Events | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Mark Your Calendar for Jackson Mayoral Candidate Events


Mississippi Sen. John Horhn will officially announce his candidacy for mayor this afternoon.

If you're concerned about the issues facing Jackson, your best defense is an informed vote, so don't miss these upcoming mayoral events. The links below will connect you with JFP Events Calendar entries for additional information.

Next Thursday, March 19, the topics for the Jackson Progressives meeting is mayoral debates and accountability for public officials. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Plaza Building, downtown.

On Tuesday, March 24, Marshand Crisler will hold a fundraising reception at Two Sisters Restaurant (770 N. Congress Street) from 5:30 until 7 p.m. The suggested contribution for the event is $500.

Then, on Saturday, March 28, the Belhaven Heights Community Association is hosting a Neshoba County-style Meet and Greet event from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Belhaven Heights Park. Candidates confirmed (as of last Monday) for this event include John Horhn, Eddie Fair, Jabari Toins, Robert Johnson, Marshand Crisler, Doroth Benford, Joyce Harper, Brenda Scott, Harvey Johnson, David Archie, Rick Whitlow and Robert Amos.

Candidates and mayoral event planners should send details of upcoming events to: [e-mail missing], or visit the JFP Events Calendar to add your event today.

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