Mississippi Soldiers Head Back to Iraq | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Mississippi Soldiers Head Back to Iraq


This May, nearly 3,200 Mississippi Army National Guard soldiers will begin final training before shipping out to Iraq, reports WAPT.

This will be the second deployment for hundreds of members of the 155th Brigade Combat Team, which is made up of soldiers from 49 communities in the state, from north Mississippi to the Gulf Coast.

The 155th spent 2005 in Iraq in the largest deployment of Mississippi Guard soldiers since World War II.

During that deployment, 14 Mississippians and more than a dozen others attached to the 155th died.

Individual medals awarded to the troops in the 155th included 123 Purple Hearts, 328 Bronze Stars, 2,000 Combat Badges and a Silver Star.

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I hope and pray that they all return safe. We as fellow Mississippian should extend our love and support to all our soldiers family during this very difficut time for them. Everyone can give something if it money donations, fresh vegetables from the garden, or the most important a shoulder to lean on and our prayers. Please people let's work together and show what Mississippi is really about a family of people that love each other and support each other. Remeber a family that prays together, stays together.

Tony Davis

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