Wednesday, March 18
• 9 p.m.–midnight, Alley and the House Cats at Fenian's
Thursday, March 19
• All day, Sweet Potato Queen Thirsty Thursday with drink specials at the Hilton (lobby bar)
• 8-11 p.m., St. Brigid's (Irish) at Fenian's
• 10 p.m., Marching Krewe MALfunction at Hal & Mal's
Friday, March 20
• 10:30 a.m.- 2 p.m., SPQ Big Hat Lunch at BRAVO!, $20
• 2-6 p.m., SPQ Margarita-Wine-and-Cheese Party at The Everyday Gourmet, free margaritas and wine
• 7-11 p.m., SPQ Ball at Hal & Mal's, $10
Saturday, March 21
• 8 a.m, St. Paddy's Day Run, beginning and ending at corner of Capitol and State Streets. Call 601-856-9884 for more info.
• 9 a.m., Trustmark Children's Festival at the Mississippi Museum of Art
• 10 a.m, Pet Parade at the Mississippi Museum of Art
• 11 a.m., Trustmark Children's Parade at the Mississippi Museum of Art
• Noon, Mal's St. Paddy's Parade in downtown Jackson
• After-Parade Street Party at Hal & Mal's, $5 (21 and over)
• Noon-midnight, St. Patrick's Block Party at Fenian's Pub with Legacy (Irish) noon-3 p.m. and Spirits of the House (Irish) 2-5 p.m., The Electric Co. 8 p.m.- 11 p.m., Trial by Fire 6 p.m.- 10 p.m. Free.
• 7 p.m., The Electric Mudd at Martin's
• All day, 4th Annual St. Paddy's Day Crawfish Boil with Vanilla Ice, Bag of Donuts, and U.S. at Fire. $15 for 21 and up and $20 for 18 and up. Advance tickets only.
• All day, Ole Tavern on George Street and Two Sisters Kitchen will have a dunk-a-Roller-Girl tank, Ink Spot booth, food and music from the Petticoat Junkies, the Zydepunks, Peoles, the Cooters and Delta Gun. $10
Sunday, March 22
• Noon-7:30 p.m., St. Patrick's Day Celebration at Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum. $5, seniors $4, children $2.
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