SUMMER SLAM | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS


The reason .0039% people in this country vote is because of secret mailers and because the media stuffs politics down our throats. Show me the funny pages.

To get you away from the lying and more lying, I present to you one song that will bump your summer house party into the next oblivion.

Each summer, somebody throws that one party that everyone references four months later when they're at a lame party and they want to infiltrate an awkward silence.
Often times, these House Party IIIs include bodacious monster jams that nobody in the room has ever heard of until then. I remember being at a party near the banks of the Mississippi River a few summers ago and hearing a song called "Galang" by MIA for the first time. The party went from "good times" to "great times" in a matter of 3:45. Since then, MIA has rocked many a house party, but she is so last summer's movie blockbuster season.

Spot the goodies and train your friends to obey your thirst.

Omar Souleyman
For proof that this homeboy is legit, watch this with all of your heart.

Despite the fact that Syrians still dress like it's 1993, they got the beat. As a country, we spend our time luvin' all over 20-something American Idols but Omar is middle-aged and in his golden years as you can reasonably see in this video. Girls flock to him like he is wearing Axe body spray or something. At the 0:50 mark, what do you think his confidant whispers into his ear?

Anybody rad enough to land Omar Souleyman in person at a party this year wins. Period. Quit school. Quit your job. Cause once Omar and his 30 dancing friends barge through your front door and ask where they can plug in their Casio keyboards, you have nothing left to prove.

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