Public Meetings and Community Events This Week | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Public Meetings and Community Events This Week


Teddy Roosevelt re-enactor Joe Weigand presents his program Wednesday at noon at the William F. Winter Archives and History Building.

Monday, Oct. 5

3:30 p.m., Ace Records Blues Marker Unveiling at the corner of Capitol and Roach streets. Live music from a blues quartet.

Tuesday, Oct. 6

8 a.m., 2009 Else School of Management Fall Forum at Millsaps College. Ben Allen, president of Downtown Jackson Partners; Thomas J. Cunningham., vice president and associate director of research for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; and John H. Turner, director of economic development for Entergy Mississippi, will discuss the topic "What Does Our Economic Future Hold? $15.

10 a.m., Jackson City Council Meeting, at Jackson City Hall (219 S. President St.). The City Council holds its regular meeting, open to the public.

4:30 p.m., Small Business Administration Loan Clinic at Regions Plaza. The SBA of Mississippi leads this clinic. Free.

6 p.m., Women's Fund of Mississippi at Que Sera Sera. Sponsored by the American Association of University Women, Jamie Holcomb, director of programs, will discuss the mission and programs of the Women's Fund of Mississippi. Free.

Wednesday, Oct. 7

The Mississippi State Fair opens at the Mississippi State Fair Grounds. Mississippi's annual state fair boasts traditional (and not-so-traditional) fair food, livestock shows, rides, music and more. Through Oct. 18. Noon, History is Lunch: Joe Weigand at William F. Winter Archives and History Building (200 North St.) Joe Weigand, Teddy Roosevelt reenactor, presents a nationally acclaimed program on Roosevelt and his Mississippi connections. Free; bring your own lunch.

1:30 p.m., Jackson Planning Board meets in the Hood Building (200 S. President St.), Andrew Jackson Conference Room.

Thursday, Oct. 8

8:30 a.m., Jackson 2000 Friendship Golf Outing at Colonial Country Club (5635 Old Canton Road). Jackson 2000's annual golf event.

10 a.m., Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service at the Mississippi Fire Academy (1 Fire Academy USA). The Mississippi State Fire Academy honors all of Mississippi's fallen firefighters. Free.

10 a.m., 26th Annual Fannie Lou Hamer National Institute on Citizenship and Democracy at Jackson State University. This two-day program was founded in 1983 and is held each fall in early October to coincide with Mrs. Hamer's birthday. The program is presented by the Department of Political Science at Jackson State University and the Hamer Institute. This yearly lecture series is an opportunity for academicians, scholars, activists and practicing politicians to come together in this forum to share and exchange ideas. This year we are going to have a symposium on "The Obama Presidency: Reflections on the First 262 Days." A tentative program/schedule will be posted online. Free.

6:30 p.m., "Little Black Dress" at the University Club (210 E. Capitol St.). Hosts Rob Jay and Tamica Smith-Jeuitt host this evening of honoring Mary Hill of Jackson Public Schools, Brigadier General Catherine Lutz of the Mississippi National Guard, Habitat for Humanity of Metro Jackson and Donna Ladd of the Jackson Free Press. Music provided by Jessie Primer III and Friends. Silent auction. $40 ($25 tax deductible).

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